10: The Reality

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The next day Nya woke to a series of tremors, pulsing through the ground.

'What the...' she sat up in alarm and looked around for Cole.

They had slept amongst a group of large rocks. Cole had moved them together as there were no naturally occurring rocky outcrops. He had pummelled the ground to make a softer surface and they lay together for warmth and companionship. Nya remembered his words and hoped this was the explanation for the tremors. 'Tomorrow I'll look into the core, see what's going on there. We might be able to dig down a bit to create a warm living environment'.


'What the hell was that?' Nya ran out of the rocks. She could see Cole in the far distance and just about make out that he was waving at her. She began to jog towards him. 'Can't neglect my training' she thought.


Another larger explosion rippled under her. She had to jump over the pulsing rings of earth that radiated out from Coles' centre.


At the next explosion, she made things a little more interesting. Somersaults, side spins, flying kicks and any move that would propel her over the onslaught of mammoth vibrations. This was seriously fun. They should definitely do this when they get back. If they ever managed to get back.

Cole saw Nya, jogging towards him. He waved to try and say 'stay where you are', but she was on her way and he couldn't really stop what he was doing now. He knew she would be ok and was pleasantly surprised to see her hotfooting it over his obstacles.

'Time for another one'. Cole thought. He stood straight and focussed. He channelled all his power down through his body and into the ground.

'BOOOOOM! A forth pulse. On this one he saw Nya flip over and come down hard. He grimaced 'that's gonna' hurt' he thought. OK, I just need one more for now.

'I hope you have a good explanation for this?' Nya panted as she finally made it to him.

'I sure do. You smashed those moves by the way. Climb on. He indicated that she should get on his back. After a slight hesitation she wrapped her legs around his waist and crossed her arms over his chest.

'Well this is weird'. She said. Cole straightened up again. Focussed and released.


Nya rode the wave that coursed through Cole. He looked back at her face. Her mouth was a surprised 'oh' and her eyes wide. 'What was that?' She whispered to him.

'My power, pure and simple'. He replied.

'That was not what I expected'. Cole was smiling smugly at Nya. Their faces close 'It's nothing like its external form. It was... like a rush, a gravity drop'. She slid off him. 'Can we do it again?' She balled up her hands like an excited child.

'Tomorrow'. That was my last one for now. Cole had knelt down and was reading the earth after his seismic defibrillations.

"So why were you doing this?' Asked Nya.

' I spent this morning reaching down, trying to read all the way to the Core. Its not as difficult here as in our Realm, the worlds make up being so... simple.'


'And, I found a little bit of hope there. There is movement, of a sort. So I thought I'd try and give it a kick start.'

'Huh.' Nya responded. Cole was really surprising her with his new elemental skills. 'Cole, Earth Mechanic'.

'Shuddup..' He gave her a shove.

'Honestly Cole, this is pretty impressive. I knew about the rock throwing and power punches and all that, but this is all so... measured and thoughtful.'

'Shocked are you?' Replied Cole.

'Well, maybe a little, I just never imagined this kind of thing being possible, that's all. So, it seems you've already initiated our Theory, what this world requires of us. Do you think it'll give us back after?'

'I've no idea Nya. I hope so'.

'Hmmm'. Nya sighed. She sat on the ground with her legs crossed, hands rested on her knees, straightened her back and relaxed her shoulders. Closing her eyes she turned her palms upwards, focussed and brought forth a light shower.

Cole sat down next to her and emulated her pose. Silently they sat in the rain, conversing with their elements. They had begun their offering.

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