9: The Theory

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As they walked, Nya attempted to put her thoughts into words.

'So here we are. Earth and Water on a dead Realm. The Portal was discriminatory. I definitely feel it was. It wanted us in particular, for our elemental powers.'

'Really?' Interjected Cole. 'You don't think it was just coincidence?'

'No, no I don't think so. When I was taken, there were so many people on the dunes. People walking dogs, flying kites, racing sand kayaks. So much stuff going on and so many people. But only I was pulled through. And you. You say that even with the Furious Five throwing themselves and all their powers at it, it only took you? Tell me again how it happened'?

'Ok' began Cole. So all five of us, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Earth and Kid Power, were in front of the Portal. We tried to approach it, but it was like the portals energy was pushing everyone away. It was obvious we weren't going to get in easily, but there was no way we could see how. Zane had asked Pixel to get the Realm Crystal from the Stronghold, as this was probably the only thing that would make any difference.'

'Yes the Realm Crystal. We could do with one of those now'.

'We couldn't just stand around doing nothing, waiting for the crystal to arrive so you know, we decided to throw everything at it and see what happened'.

'Such a well thought out plan. I'm so glad it wasn't an Alien species trying make contact!'

'Sarcasm, sarcasm my lovely Nya, but aren't you secretly glad I'm here?'


'There you go again.'

'Ok, Ok, what happened then'.

'... So. Kai's roasting it, Jay's frazzling it and Zanes pummelling it with Ice shards and its kind of doing nothing. It looked like their elements deflected or rippled off of the vortex, but didn't impact it or pass through it. I was throwing a few big rocks and pummelling it with earth punches. It was a pretty awesome sight, I've gotta say.'

'Yes, I'm sure it was... and then...?'

'Right, when it looks like were not making any difference, Lloyd calls Time. But then, just when the dust has settled I lose it... a bit... and throw an Earth Punch at it'

'Temper, temper Cole'.

'Shush, honestly Nya'. Cole span around in front of Nya and walked backwards to emphasise his vitally important part in the story. 'We didn't notice it before because the literal elemental crap was flying. Once the dust settled we could see the Portal react to my earth punch. It absorbed it. They didn't rebound like the other elements. Small areas of the vortex were popping out and sucking in the rocks I threw.'

Nya was nodding. 'Kind of like when I was shooting power jets at it.'

'Oh great plan Nya, I'm so glad it wasn't an alien blah, blah, blah...'

Nya punched him on the arm. 'Who's sarcastic now? You know, sarcasm is only the highest form of wit when I use it'.

'I'm pretty sure that's not the saying Nya'.

'It is now. My Realm, my Rules.'

'Oh ho! It's your Realm is it? Queen Nya. Supreme Ruler. Omniversal Majestrix of the Dead World. Number of loyal subjects... One. Wow, nice place you've got here Your Majesty.'

'Omniversal Majestrix. I like that, you may call me that.'

'Well, all I can say is you better be nice to your one loyal subject as you may find yourself in need of a Royal Consort at some point...'

Cole was standing in front of her, head at an angle, eyebrows raised. He had a disarmingly wry smile on his face and Nya was suddenly stuck for words.

'I want to say 'In your dreams', but feel too much time has passed'. Nya said as she sidled up to him to stand close enough for their robes to touch. 'I do believe you've bested me Cole. Maybe we should start on that Royal Consort thing now?' she suggested walking her fingers up to the collar of his robe.

'Uh. Right. Ok. Ummm.'

'Oh Cole, you big Lummox.' She slapped her hand on his chest. 'Come on where were we?'

'I'm sorry, for some reason I'm feeling a bit distracted now.' He wiggled his eyebrows at her, just for effect.

'You know, with the story. The Big Hero moment... She accentuated her next words. The climax, the big ending...' And they both fell about laughing, breaking the spell.

They eventually regained their composure.

'Oh Cole, I am glad it was you who came through the Portal. Imagine if it was Sensei Wu?' Nya grimaced. 'Though he would probably have half a clue as to what to do'.

'Do you want me to go back, so we can swap?'

Nya shook her head then changed it to a nod. 'Yes please that would be great. Can you send him back with a hamper of goodies too please'.

'Done'. Cole replied as he put his arm around Nya and she rested her head against his shoulder. Looking out to the great chasm, Cole felt a strange sense of privilege to be here with Nya. On any other day in any other Realm, he would never have been able to get this close.

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