Chapter 32 ➳ Forgive

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Maggie's POV

"How do we know we can even trust her, she is the 'bad guy'," Caroline complains. Damon made his way through the front door while he had Elizabeth body over his shoulder. We decided to all head back to the boarding house to 'discuss' Elizabeth return and her as an alley. There was nothing to discuss, as soon as our backs were turned who knows what she would do.

"Which why I have her temporarily dead body and is why she is going into the cellar Care-Bear," Damon said making Caroline's eyes roll up to the heavens. Damon's nicknames were not helping right now. "Look I've got this under control, we will keep her captive and interrogate her and when she is no more use to us we'll kill her simply,"

As time went on, I started to think about what Elizabeth said more and more. Rosalie was strong and she is unpredictable and we don't know anything about her and her history. "Damon you heard what she said, if we go up against Rosalie alone and blind we will lose," I said, I hated to say it but we did need help.

"Oh come on Maggie, seriously?" Damon yelled rolling his eyes. "You are talking about the women who murdered your mother for Christ's sake!"

The mention of my mother formed a lump in my throat, but I swallowed it down. I crossed my arms. I'm not going to be that girl that shows her fear and weakness at the sound of a name, especially now.

"Damon!" Stefan protested.

Damon looked around at the group, he knew he was in the wrong. He shook his head and proceeded to bring Elizabeth down into the cellar. Once Damon was out of the room, I felt Stefan hand on my back. "I'm fine," I said to him, I already knew he was worried about me after Damon's statement. "It's Damon, I'm used to it by now."

Stefan sighed and raised his eyebrows. "I know, it's just you're the last person who needs to hear Damon and his insensitive comments."

"It's fine really," I said. "Maybe it will help me toughen me up. After all, we are fighting what feels like a supernatural war, it will make me strong and not show my weakness." Stefan's face fell and his eyebrows furrowed. "What?" I asked.

"Maggie you won't have to do any of that," I took a step back from him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Maggie this is not your fight. We will deal with this and you will be here, where you will be safe. I promised to keep you safe." Stefan replied.

"Stefan this is my fight, I'm the whole reason for this. I'm not just going to hide away in this house while the people that I care about are fighting my battles for me. I'm strong Stefan, I have so much power I can feel it generating in my body, I can learn to control it. I'm not that same fragile girl you bumped into in the hallway, it's time I fight my own battles." I protested.

Stefan shook his head. "I can't lose you, Maggie!" Stefan yelled making me flinch.

"You are going to lose me if you keep me locked up in here like some prisoner. I am tired of people telling me to do and telling me whats good for me. This is my choice okay? My choice. I'm not going to the scared hopeless girl I was two months ago it's time I stick up myself."

Stefan stayed silent, which I wasn't expected at all. I thought he would flip out again and just argue with me. He clenched his jaw and folding his arms across his broad chest. "Don't go downstairs to Elizabeth let us deal with her," Stefan said blankly making his way out of the room.

Tyler POV

"It's time!" I heard a high, booming voice as the door flew open. Rosalie stood there arms raised and with a wide smile. Two vampires stood behind with their arms crossed like there were bouncers at a club. Charlotte stood up quickly from her place on the floor next to me. "It's time to have a little fun, Tyler," Rosalie pouted while her hand met my cheek, I flinched back as she caressed it with her long manicured nails.

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