Chapter 5 ➳Warehouse Bloodbath

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Stefan POV

"Stefan" I hear a familiar voice behind me while I was pouring a glass of bourbon for myself.

I sighed. "What do you want Caroline?" I say putting the top back on the bottle.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said," She said.

I started to shake my head and I turned around to see Caroline fiddling with her fingers. "It's fine, it doesn't matter anymore," I say taking a drink and walking to the couch laying down.

"I saw Maggie at the party tonight," She says looking down. Caroline looked up and put on a fake smile. "She is beautiful"

I can help the small smile form on my face. "Yeah, she was" I say.

Caroline lifts my legs from the couch and sits down. "How are you?" She asks.

Hurt, sad, angry, depressed. "I'm fine," I say.

"I hardly knew her anyways" I added.

"Stefan" I hear Bonnie say. I looked up to see Bonnie walking into the sitting room.

"You said Elizabeth Peterson was there right?" She says.

"Ya, she was supposed to dead. She killed herself when she lit her house on fire" I say.

"Do you know why?" Bonnie asked while I tried to think back to 1864.

~Flashback from 1864~

I was awoken by someone yelling in the hallways. I got up fast and went out to check who was yelling. I went downstairs to see my father with Mr. and Ms.Peterson at the front door.

I could Ms.Peterson was in tears. "What happened," I ask approaching them.

"We tried to reason with her, but she's out of control" Ms.Peterson cried.

"It's seems Elizabeth Peterson and lit her house on fire" My father. "We must go and see if we put out, call Damon" He said grabbing his coat.

~Flashback Over~

"I remember her mother saying that they tried to reason with her and that she was out of control herself" I say.

"I did some research on her and it said that her parents were finally going to give her a spellbook to activate her powers" Bonnie started."But her parents wanted her brother Alex to have it instead because they thought she was irresponsible"

"Elizabeth lit her house on fire and killed herself but with vampire blood in her system. Four days later both her parents are mysteriously killed by an 'animal attack'. Elizabeth killed both of her parents for revenge but left her brother to live" Bonnie says.

"For over a hundred years she was quiet but then when Maggie comes back to the town she suddenly has an interest in her. Elizabeth knows Maggie holds the Peterson magic and it's very powerful if she was trying to take it she would have killed Maggie"

I was trying to put the pieces together. A million questions were running threw my head and I couldn't answer any of them.

"I think Elizabeth got magic from Maggie and if she does then we need take her down," Bonnie says.

I lightly smile. "I was going to rip her head off anyways,"

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