Chapter 3 ➳Lockwood Mansion Party

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Dear Diary,

My first day at school is a blurr, the one thing I remember is Stefan. I met him at school yesterday when I bumped into him, cliché right? After school he took me for a drink at the grill, I have to say I already like him.

Today my mom is going to the library, she wants to know our family history and I said I would tag along. I was interested to know about the overall of Mystic Falls.

Maggie xxx

My mom had already picked me up from school and we were heading to the library. I decided to take out my contacts and put on my glasses that I always had with me in my bag.

"So Mags there is a party at Lockwood's tonight" My mother said.

"Are you going?" I asked.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come with me" She said.

"Ya sure" I said. "It could be fun I guess" I added shrugging my shoulders

"And Tyler Lockwood is gonna be there" Mom said smiling widely. I roll my eyes at her.

"Oh come on Mags he's cute right?"

"I guess, but I don't think he's my type" I say pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose.

My mother continues to talk about Tyler but I kinda ignored her. Thank God that we got to the library pretty quickly.

When we got my mom wondered away while I went upstairs just browsing. I saw a book that dated back to 1864. I took out that and sat down and opened the first page.

The first was a list of people's signatures and scanned threw the names seeing some Lockwood's and Forbes. I recalled my mother saying the sheriff was a Forbes and her daughter that went to my school, I never met her though. One name stood out though.

Stefan Salvatore.

I looked it for a moment thinking how it was strange that they was a Stefan Salvatore back in 1864. I looked under it and saw a Damon Salvator. The book said that they were brothers. I looked threw more names until I saw Elizabeth Peterson and I saw her parents above her Emilia Peterson and Owen Peterson. I read threw the small paragraphs about her that said:

Elizabeth Peterson born on 17th on September 1848. Died 3rd Febuary in 1864 when her house mysteriously went on fire killing her. Her parents survived but we're also killed by an animal attack four days later. The family name was carried on with Elizabeth's younger brother Alex Peterson.

"Hey honey find anything interesting" I heard my mother behind me.

"Ya I did about Elizabeth Peterson, it said she died in a house fire" I say showing her the paragraph. I saw my moms eyes scanning threw the paragraph mumbling the words under her breath.

"Some say that she was crazy and lit her house on fire killing herself" She says.

"Really?" I say my eyes widening.

"Ya" She says nodding." And I also found that our family were powerful witches too" She added putting a few sheets on the table.

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