Chapter 17 ➳Voicemail

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(Photo was made by intoxicatedteen) but the text was mine!

Maggie's POV

I was laying on the uncomfortable hospital bed while I just poked my food with a fork. God hospital food sucks. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Tyler coming in. He sat down on the chair next to me.

"You know you should really eat something," Tyler said leaning back on the chair.

"I'm not hungry," I said throwing the fork onto the plate.

"Come on Maggie, you haven't eaten in weeks," He said and for some reason, I could feel myself getting annoyed.

"Tyler you know why I can't eat" I started while my voice started to rise. I threw the covers of my bed and got up feeling the cold floor on my feet. "Because while I was kidnapped by my crazy vampire relative, I started to remember that you're a werewolf, Caroline, Elena, Damon and of course Stefan are vampires" I started to pace around the room.

"I'm actually a hybrid," Tyler said interrupting me.

"A what?" I asked as I stopped walking a back in forth.

"Hybrid. I'm half werewolf half vampire" He answered.

I let out a laugh while I brought my hands to my head. "Jesus Christ, you can't make this stuff up can you?" I said shaking my head.

"Maggie I know this is really weird for you but Stefan can explain-" Tyler started but interrupted him.

"Oh yes Stefan he's the star of the show isn't he, please if you see ask him when he is going to compel me again," I said my voice getting louder and quicker.

"Maggie he thought he was keeping you safe," Tyler said getting up from the chair. "He didn't want you to get hurt"

I suddenly then felt really guilty. I knew Stefan was doing to keep me safe but I'm still mad that he lied and compelled me to forget. I wanted to get to know him but how could to that when he was compelling me to forget what he was and who he was.

"Look, Maggie, I know it's been hard since you lost your mom but Stefan he feels horrible for what happened to you and you should give him a second chance," Tyler said approaching. My eyes started to fill up with tears and the thought of my mother. When I was with Elizabeth I didn't even think about her once, it was almost like a distraction.

"Come here," Tyler said noticing my change in emotion. He pulled me into a hug and wrapped his strong arms around my back while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I heard the door open and Tyler and I pulled away from each other. I turned my head to see Carol, smiling. "Doctors said all your tests are fine and that you can go home now," She said while I smiled. I hate hospitals and I was glad to be going home.

"I will just sign you out and I'll be waiting in the car," Carol said smiling.

"Thanks, Carol" I nodded while Tyler did the same, Carol smiled and closed the door and started to walk down the hallway.

Tyler helped to pack my things while I got dressed out if the hospital's gown. I put my hair into a ponytail and Tyler carried my bag as we made our way out of the hospital.

We found Carol's car and Tyler put my bag in the backseat while I sat in front. "Ready to go?" Carol said started the engine. I gave her a nod and a smile while she pulled out of the hospital's car park.

Carol started to talk about a welcome home party and an eighteenth for me while I could see Tyler rolling his eyes, I gave a small smile. I totally forget that it was my birthday while I was gone, while I was in that basement I lost count of how many days went passed.

"Mom, really a party?" Tyler said while I could see Carol glancing at him in the mirror.

"What? I think it would be nice" Carol said smiling while Tyler shook his head. "What do you think Maggie?" She asked.

"I don't mind, I think it would be fun," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Great! Maybe we could have it tomorrow night" Carol said obviously excited.

We finally got to the house and Tyler brought in my bag for me, even though I could have brought it in myself since nothing was wrong with me. I knew that after Elizabeth stabbed me she had healed me and that's was when I woke in her sitting room.

When we got into the house Tyler had put my bag in my room and Carol went off to make dinner.

I went to have a nice hot shower. I don't even know how long I was actually in the shower but I just felt so relaxed. Once I was done, I got out of the shower and got stashed leaving my hair to air dry. I went threw my bag that Tyler had brought up for me and saw that my phone was in it.

Tyler said that Matt had found my phone, I looked through it seeing that I had so many missed calls and texts and one voicemail, from Damon.

My eyebrows furrowed, as I pressed the button and held my phone up to my ear. "Hey, it's Damon. Well, this is weird but this is the closest I can ever get to talk to you so here it goes. I'm sorry because I have given up on you, the group are all convinced that you are alive but I feel like we have lost you" I could hear him sigh. "So we all found out who your dad was-" I leaned forward from my bed.

"He's was a great man Maggie and I'm sorry that you can never meet, yes I knew him because he was my best friend and I know that he loves you. I'm gonna miss you Maggie and my brother deserves you and you make him so happy. So there it is, I really wished I had looked for you because you were worth saving Maggie. Sleep well" And then the voice mail ended.

I was trying to process all in my mind, first of all, Damon had one point thought I was dead, second, he knew who my dad was and was even his best friend, and third Damon actually cares about me?

I put my phone in my back pocket and rushed out of my room. I need to see him and confront him? Or ask him a million questions about my dad? I didn't even know but I need to see Damon.

I ran downstairs and rushed to the door. I opened the door and saw Stefan there with his hand raised to knock on the door. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Stefan?" I said not even realizing how much I missed him, I haven't seen him in almost four months. I instantly pulled Stefan in a hug. "Oh my god," I said I could feel myself crying. It was like all my emotions and feeling just punched me in the face. I wasn't even angry at him anymore for compelling it's like I forget what he did and I just missed him so much.

"I missed you so much," He said planting a kiss on my temple while he brought his hand to my hair.

"I missed you too Stefan," I said as I felt tears streaming down my face.

Sorry, this is a bit short next one will be longer !!

Yaaaay Stefan and Maggie back in each other's arms!!!

Who do you ship Maggie with, apart from Stefan??

Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts!!!

Zoe xoxox

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