Chapter 6 ➳Don't Hide From Me

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Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. These are made up creatures that I would dress up for Halloween or heard in a book or in a movie. Their not meant to be real, their supposed a fairy tale or legend. But I was so wrong.

I woke up in an unknown room. I looked around seeing bookshelves filled with journals. The room was old fashioned and the bed I was laying was king sized and had beautiful red covers and about ten pillows.  I saw the door creak open and saw Stefan slowly walk into the room.

"Hey how do you feel" He ask taking a seat on the end of the bed.

I start to remember back to the warehouse where Elizabeth was holding the black dagger near my heart. It was almost a blurr but I saw Stefan tackle Elizabeth at impossible speed. He had plunge a wooden stake into her chest and I saw Elizabeth's face turned grey. The last thing I remember is the witch Savannah grabbing me and stabbing me.

I looked down at where I was stabbed but there was no wound at all, it was like it never happened. I could see Stefan eyes burning into me.

"I'm fine?" I said not almost believing myself. "I'm fine, wait how is this possible that bitch stabbed me and I'm fine" I say my voice getting higher and quicker.

"It's ok, it's ok" Stefan says trying to calm me.

"Stefan you say that but it's not ok. Vampires, witches and werewolves are actually real, when they supposed to be fake and in movies and books" I say getting up out of the bed and pacing around the room.

Stefan got up and sped right in front of me with his impossible and incredable speed. It made me stop in my tracks at how close we were, our faces were inches from each other. Stefan cupped both of my cheeks with his hands. "I need you to calm down and trust me" He said his pupils dilating.

I sudden felt relaxed and comfortable. "I trust you" I said almost with knowing it. 

"Stefan, Elizabeth said that you made me forget" I said. Stefan's face went soft while his hand held my face.

"I don't want you to hide from me" I say almost in a whisper.

I glanced down at his lips while he glanced at mine. I pulled him closer so our lips locked. At first, the kiss was small. But then, it grew bigger and more intense. It was probably the most intense kissed I've ever had.

I wrapped my arms around his neck while my hand went to his hair and his hands gripping my waist. Stefan pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine. "Maggie" He said in way I knew something was up. "If you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve my best"

"I want to forget what happened tonight. I want to forgot that Elizabeth took you in the bathroom. You had a great time at the party and you got too drunk so I brought you back to mine" His said his pupils dilating in his beautiful green eyes.

"I want you to forget about what I am" He added. "And know you feel tired"

I blinked a few times and sudden I felt my eyes getting heavy. "Hey do you mind if I stay the night, I kind of feel tired" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Sure, you can have my bed" Stefan sails smiling. Stefan put his hands in his pockets and started to head out of the room.

"Stefan?" I said fiddling with my nails. Stefan turned around with his hands still in his pockets. "Thanks for taking care of me, I know I can be an annoying drunk" I added smiling.

"Your welcome" Stefan said while giving a small nod. "Goodnight Maggie" He said while walking out the door.

"Night" I said back.

Compelled | Stefan SalvatoreTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang