Rose.. of course.. didn't reply
Time passes by
19/11/16 - MMA's
26/11/16 - Chanyeols Birthday

Still no eye contact. Still no reply. Nothing.

It was Wednesday evening and Rose was in the dance room alone, when her Manager Oppa came in:

Manager: cheng-ah, you were asked to collaborate with 10cm for the SBS Gayo Daejun. Would you like to do it?

Rose: A collab?

Manager: yes, they haven't given us the full details yet because they also don't know what they're singing but all we know for now is that you'll most probably be singing with your guitar on stage?

Rose: Ok ok. So when do we start practicing?

Manager: next Friday, December 9th at their agency at 2pm. I'll send you there, and don't forget your guitar.

Rose excitedly and nervously went into MagicStrawberry Sound building where she saw Jihyo from twice.

Rose: omo unnie annyeongassio

Jihyo: oh annyeong!!

Rose: are you doing the collaboration stage aswell?

Jihyo: yes!!

Rose: yay!! So you know where to go?

The 2 headed to the place where they were supposed to meet 10cm..

Rose: is it the only the two of us you think?

Jihyo: I think I heard that there's going to be 3 of us.. and since you're from YG and I'm from JYP.. I suspect someone from SM? Maybe Wendy-shi?

Rose: ohh jinja?

Before the two headed in, rose saw someone fimiliar outside the Recording Rooms.. wait isn't that .. sehun Oppa'a manager??!!! She didn't think much about it, since the whole sm family might share the same managers

As the two girls walked into the studio.. she greeted the two 10cm members.. she bowed to them then she looked to her left side.. and saw chanyeol.. CHANYEOL. She was shocked. They both looked surprised. As jihyo was bowing to chanyeol, rose slightly bowed trying to look elsewhere after the sudden eye contact. They haven't talked in like two months. The worst part for her was that she had to sit next to him.. woah. She hated that.

Of course rose misses him. She thinks about him all the time. Even though she tries SO hard to ignore his existence. She can't forget him. She hated that. She felt like she was being played. But her feelings were real towards him.

As the session went by, Rose didn't look at chanyeol at all. Chanyeol would glance at her from time to time. After the session was done, Rose and Chanyeol were asked to practice since they're both are going to play eachothers songs on the guitar. Rose had to teach chanyeol the cords and vice versa. Rose wasn't feeling it. She just wasn't.

Outside of the Recording Rooms;
Chanyeol grabbed roses arm, rose quickly pushed his arms away
Chanyeol: hey when do you want to practice?
Rose: let our managers decide.
*as she left straight away without smiling, nor looking at him in the eye*

A few days later, chanyeols manager received a message from roses manager saying that he'll send the cord for whistle and would like the cords for monster so rose can practice. And they'll just practice with the whole collab group next week

Chanyeol was hurt. It was a great opportunity to see eachother as much. But rose didn't wanna see him. Chanyeol has been trying to tell SM to release a statement saying that Him and Sunbin are no longer together.. but SM said it was dumb to do so because they've never confirmed or denied the relationship..

Today was the collabs team practice. As they ran through the stage, the 10cm member told chanyeol and rose to try practice once together, just to get the beat right and create more chemistry. Rose didn't want to but she couldn't say no. As the two were practicing alone..

Chanyeol: rose listen I'm really sorry about what happened and I've been wanting to say it for ages now and I really mi—-

Rose: listen, we're here to practice for this stage and I don't want our private lives to interfere.

Chanyeol stuck his lips together in frustration.

The two started the practice together with their managers in the room so chanyeol couldn't really talk to her much. The two didn't talk much and rose kept a straight face through out and her manager was kind of shocked. Because it's not what something rose would do.. after they ended the practice rose quickly packed her guitar, stood up..

Rose: I better at going, annyeongasio
* as she bowed and left as quickly as possible*

Chanyeol was upset. He wanted to talk to her. Just spending time with her wasn't enough for him, especially when she's mad and wouldn't looking him in the eye

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