Chapter Seventeen

Começar do início

I couldn't help but laughed. He is so adorable. He always cheers me up and is always there for me. I don't deserve him.

Y/n: But I have you, Hubby.

He smiled. 

Jungkook: Let's go home then, Jagi.


JungKook: Jagi, Breakfast is ready.

Y/n: I'm coming.

I slowly walk down the stairs. I had a big belly and swollen feets. As I was making my way down the stairs Jungkook appeared. 

JungKook: Are you having any trouble?

Y/n: I'm fine.

He walks up to where I was and helps me down the stairs.

As we were eating my stomach started hurting really bad.

Y/n: Ahhh...My stomach.

JungKook: What's wrong, are you ok?

Y/n: My stomach, It hurts. 

Jungkook walks over to me and bends down to face my stomach.

JungKook: baby, please don't hurt your mom.

He kissed my stomach. Just then my water broke.

Y/n: Jungkook, I think my water just broke. 

JungKook: What!!( He started panicking) BUt...BUt.. we have one more month before the baby comes.

Y/n: Jungkook, get your act together. We need to leave for the hospital.

JungKook: Right! He quickly ran upstairs and got everything we needed.

As much as my stomach hurt, It brings me joy to see Jungkook running around like that. He really cares. Just then a thought struck me.


Dr.Jin: Y/n, I have some bad news. Where's your husband?

Y/n: He's not here. But, Dr.Jin please tell me everything you know. Don't hold back, it's better for me to know than not know.

He took a deep breath.

Dr.Jin: I'm sorry. There is a chance that you might not make it through childbirth. 

I took a deep breath.

Dr.Jin: Does your husband or you have any history of any illness?

Y/n: Not that we know of. But what do you mean I might not make it through childbirth?

Dr.Jin: It seems like the baby is not as healthy as he should be as you were very weak the first couple of weeks you carry him. 

Y/n: Is there anything I can do?

Dr.Jin: You can start eating healthier and getting a lot of rest. Also exercise regularly.

Y/n: Thank You.


JungKook: I got everything, let's go.

He leads me to the car and we drove off to the hospital.

*Delivery Room* 

Nurse: Push.

Jungkook held onto my hand. He was sweating more than I was.

I'm scared. What if I don't make it? What if I leave my baby all alone. I looked at Jungkook who was giving me the cutest smile, I could see that he was very nervous. He might as well have been the one who was giving birth.

Nurse: Y/n, breath.

Nurse 2: Push.

Y/n: It hurts. Jungkook, I'm tired.

Nurse: Y/n, please push.

Yn: I can't. I don't have any energy left.

Nurse: If you don't give birth now, we don't know what will happen. Please, try.

I tried again. I pushed and pushed.

Y/n: Jungkook, I can't. I'm so tired.

Jungkook: Y/n, please. Do it for us.( Tears ran down his cheeks) Please.

I looked at him. Taehyung. Taehyung-ah, where are you? I need you. 

I remember his sweet smile and his scent. Where are you?

Nurse: One, two, three. Push!

I gather all the strength I had left and push.

After a few moment, I heard the sweet sound of a baby cry.

Nurse: Congratulation! It's a boy!

They wrapped him in a blanket and gave him to me.

I looked at my son. He is so beautiful. He looks exactly like his dad.

Y/n: Welcome to the world, TaeKwon.

JungKook kissed my forehead.

Jungkook: He's beautiful. He has your angelic eyes. Welcome to the world son.

I looked at the man who had always been by my side. The person that loves me no matter what. JungKook was there for me when I needed him the most, he was there when no one else was. Even if I don't love him like he loves me he loves Taehyung's son as his own. I don't deserve him. JungKook, I'll try. I know I can love you as much as you love me. Taehyung is my past. I will always love him but I'll try.   

I was losing all my strength. I was truly happy even in this moment. A man who loves me by my side and my son. 

Nurse: OH NO! The bleeding won't stop!

I saw tears run down Jungkook face and TaeKwon's voice fading away as I slowly close my tired eyes.

Hi Again!

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Until Next Time!


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