I'm lost in my thoughts when a phone starts to ring.

" It's mine, excuse me, I need to pick this up." Theo stands up, takes his phone and leaves our table.

"Cam, I saw it!" Lexi says smirking.

"What?" I'm confused.

" You were smiling! Like really smiling! Like you always did before... you know.." She takes my hand and wants to say something but we are interrupted.

Theo is standing near our table, smiling at us then he says.

"I'd love to have another drink with you two, but I have to go now. Business...I had a really good time, like in the old times..."

"It was a pleasure to meet you Camil," he says looking straight into my eyes and it made me shiver. These ocean blue eyes.

"Hope to see you soon".

After that he turns around and leaves, I notice a few men follow him.

"So Cam..." I hear Lexi starts to talk to me.

" What's up?" I ask still staring at the exit like I am waiting for him to come back...And I find myself wishing him to stay a bit longer and I have no idea why, but all I can think is these ocean blue eyes...

Then I hear Lexi, she is waving her hand.

"Earth to Cam! Earth to Cam!"

"Sorry, what were you talking about? I just was thinking" I reply smiling.

"Thinking of that hot guy that just left?".

"Lexi!" I felt my chicks become red. I'm blushing.

"What?! Actually, it's about time, besides he is incredibly hot!"  She smirks.

"Lexi! You're unbelievable." I sight.

"Anyways what happened with Daren ?" She asks.

"I told him about my internship in London and he absolutely didn't like it. He got so pissed when I told him that I want to go".

I always tell Lexi everything, she is my best friend since we were five, even if we now live far from each other, we always keep in touch and she is the first person I told about this internship.

"You know your brother is very overprotective, not to mention how stubborn he is, but he will come around, you just need to talk to him." She smiles and I think how well she knows my brother.

"You know him too well, sometimes I think you would be a great couple" I really believe that I always knew that Lexi had a crush on my brother when we were fifteen and I think Daren liked her as well, but things changed since that accident.

We stay at the bar for half an hour, as we are finished with our drinks. Lexi waves to the barmen for a check.

"How can I help you, miss?" Barmen asks.

"Can we have a check." Lexi answers to him.

"Your check was paid by a man who set with you," he says with a wide smile.

"How nice of him," Lexi says with a wide smile.

After we leave the bar I decide to take a cab, it is almost midnight and I'm really tired, so I go home.

I open the door and walk inside the house, I try to be silent. I think Daren and James are already sleeping and I don't want to disturb them by making any noises. So I pass the living room to the stairs, then I see the light in Daren's study and the door is slightly open. I hear voices. It is Daren and uncle, they are talking. Once again they are working late at night, I decide not to disturb them, as I make my way to the stairs I hear mention of my name, they are talking about me. I can't do anything, I'm too curious. 

I make a step closer to the door to hear them.

"That isn't safe! London is too far if something happens to her...I can't lose her." Daren's voice sounds angry and sad at the same time.

"Daren you have to let her go, she worked so hard, six months isn't long term, besides we have our people in London, she will be safe...Indeed it'll be better for her to go there while we'll be solving our problems with Coleman." James's voice is way calmer that Daren's. He always could convince my brother.

"I don't know." Daren exhales.

"That's what she always wanted, it's her dream. That is what your parents wanted for her...just think about it, she deserves a normal life." James answers him and he is about to leave the study when Daren starts to talk.

"I know and I want her to fulfill her dreams and her to be happy...normal life is all I want for her...but I must protect her...and while Coleman is here it's too dangerous." I know what Daren wants to say and I can't stay on the other side of the door anymore.

"What are you talking about? Who the hell is Coleman? And how all this affects my internship?" I step inside the room.

Daren's eyes widen when he sees me. I give one million percent that he didn't want me to hear this conversation.

"Where the hell were you? I was calling you! Why didn't you pick up your damn phone?" He yells at me. He is more than pissed he is furious.

"Daren calm down, Camil go to your room, we will talk tomorrow. I don't want another fight right now." James tells us, he is as always calm and soft, he doesn't want to push it.

I'm too tired for another fight, so I turn around and leave the study. Sometimes it's better to leave it.

Right now one question pumps in my head - who the hell is Coleman?!

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