Um, That's the Bride?

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              Jasmyn stared at her ceiling, trying to remember and understand what had happened yesterday. She had a few couple….hundred drinks with Temari and had a drink off with Naruto….but then whenever she tried to remember more, her head would pound with unnerving annoyance. She remembered bits of dancing on a table…...and drinking more……and there was truth or dare. She knew she was screwed then considering truth or dare never went well.

                Her head pounded and so did her heart as the room began to spin slightly and dark spots covered her vision. She growled softly to herself and allowed herself to sink into the welcoming feeling…falling back asleep, she couldn’t deal with the bullshit that awaited her and the hangover that plagued her just yet.

                Sasuke and Charasuke sat in the living room, both holding strong black coffee in their hands trying to nurse a hangover caused by beer pong and a game of ‘Have-you-ever…?’

“Ughhhh, Sasu-kun~ I’m in pain!” Charasuke moaned as he curled   tried to curl up to his brother’s side.

“Get off me fag.” Sasuke rolled his eyes, pushing him away.

“You and I know that can never be true but maybe a lil….uchihacest won’t hurt huh? We could get Itachi in on it too!!” Sasuke immediately backed away in horror.

“Heeeeeeell no!” His eye twitched in annoyance as Charasuke snickered and backed away from him.

“I’m sure Jassy, has it worse, it’s already 2 and she isn’t down yet….”


“Imma take her brunch!” He jumped, exclaiming but then winced in sync with Sasuke who just growled at him, making him shrink back,

“Gomen’nasai, Sasuke…” He mumbled apologetically and stalked to the kitchen to make the said brunch. Charasuke had remembered her addiction to sweets so her brunch consisted of cinnamon rolls, blueberry and strawberry muffins and a hot cup of strong coffee with coffee-mate in it along with painkillers to help her get rid of it. He had to admit, he had taken a rather, strange liking to her, she wasn’t like all the other girls his twin was forced to date, no, she was her own person and that’s why they were both best friends in a matter of a few weeks. He knocked on her door about an hour later and announced that her brunch was ready and that he was coming in. As he did so, he met Jas on her canopy bed, trying to sit up without receiving any pains.

“Hey, got something for that hangover for you…”

“You’re my savior C.” A nickname she had given him a while ago that just seemed to fit right in.

“I try my best.” He grinned, laying the tray on her lap. “You should be feeling better when you’re done with all this.”

“Thanks, I’ll take the dishes down ok?” She smiled weakly and received a nod from the man in an apron that said ‘Who’s yo daddeh?” making her giggle slightly as she took a sip from her coffee.

When she was all alone and finally done with her brunch, she made her way to the decisions and thoughts chamber, in other words, the shower. . . .

                The girls had gathered at the Namikaze household, obviously, they weren’t going to hire male strippers as much as they wanted too since most of them had boyfriends, but they were gonna go to the club for the night that’s for sure. Hinata, Jasmyn, Temari and Tenten had propped themselves up on the car, waiting for Konan and Ayumi to come out of the house.

“See why Ayumi never lets Konan near her closet?” Tenten complained as they heard another crash from Ayumi’s bedroom.

“Yeah, yeah, shut up.” Konan muttered as she wandered out of the house, Ayumi close behind her.

“Well, let’s get our bachelorette on!” Ayumi exclaimed as she grinned and jogged over to her car, ‘Now that’s the Ayumi I know!’ They all thought, giggling as they got into her red and black jeep wrangler and she sped off to the club…

The guys had dragged Itachi to none other than Shisui's nightclub, where everything was accessible, hookers, strippers, music and the most extravagant bar there was.

"Hey!! Look who's getting married!" Shisui smirked as he entered their V.I.P room.

"Hey, look who's not." Itachi smirked in return.

"Well let's get this party started."

                It had been a long night and by now, the girls were drunk as funk as they giggled and stumbled back to the car. They had played truth or dare at their table as they had opened a bottle of tequila and champagne. Konan had to shove one of the bar dancers off and take her place, Jasmyn had to chug down two barrels of Tequila, Tenten had to walk up to a random guy and tell him ‘I’m sure your dick is as shitty as poop,’ and then run off with his wallet after emptying it, Hinata had to dunk herself in the beer pool and other crazy dares like that.
As they all got into the car, Ayumi whined and hiccupped before starting the car and driving off. As she drove due to her drunken state, she ran over a few red lights and through a park and then through the Konoha forest trying to avoid the cops.

“Oi! Watch out for that snake- wait….KILL IT! KILL IT! *hic* KILL IT! IT’S TRYNA COME CLOSER TO US!!!” Temari warned, the alcohol getting to her.

“WATCH OUT FOR THE BEAR, YOU SHITTY DRIVER.” Jasmyn warned, hiccupping at the end in her process in trying not to get killed.

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