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Edit: If you are not an American and you use Wattpad, you're safe. Wattpad is a Canadian based company which means people that use it outside the US don't have to worry about this.

I know this is a one shot book, but this is INCREDIBLY URGENT.

If you're reading this, then good. Keep reading, because what you will learn is crucial to everything you know on the internet. If you don't want to read, then at least share this message, I don't give a shit to who.

Chairman Ajit Pai of the FFC has announced his plan to END net neutrality.

What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality is the idea that your internet providers treat each and every website you can browse the same (as long as it's not illegal). That means that they cannot charge you more for accessing individual websites.

By removing net neutrality, your internet will be slowed to a crawl, or even worse, you won't be able to access your favorite websites without paying a fee.

What will happen if his plan goes into action?

Several bad things can happen, actually.

1. No internet for the poor.
If you or your family is already struggling to afford internet or if you live in a rural area and your internet is slow as shit (like mine) then chances are, you won't have access to your favorite websites anymore.

2. No more of your favorite websites.
Do you like YouTube? Google? Tumblr? Wattpad? If you do, then you won't be able to get on these websites without paying a fee if net neutrality is gone. Here's a short list of your favorite websites that you'll have to pay for:

•Google, or any search function (I believe it also includes other Google related tools like Hangouts, G-mail, etc.)
•YouTube (Not just YouTube Red, but YouTube itself.
•Any gaming website
•Small websites like blogs will be destroyed from having to compete with larger businesses

And HUNDREDS more.

3. Information can no longer be easily accessed.

Do you love the idea of unlimited information at your fingertips? If so, then great because you won't be able to anymore. If you thought researching that paper for school was hard enough, think how hard it'll be if you're not able to pay a fee. Also, smaller websites that provide the info will most likely go out of business.

4. It's harder to talk with one another.
If the only way of communicating with your loved ones is through the internet, then say goodbye. Websites like Facebook and other messaging sites will have to be paid for in order to be accessed.

That means if you don't pay, you won't be able to talk to your grandmother who lives all the way in Canada, your best friend who you can rarely speak with irl, and even your friends on the internet.

And the worst one of all...


Kiss your fanfics goodbye! Tell your friends it was nice knowing them. Throw away all your hopes and dreams of being famous on Wattpad, because that sure won't happen.

This sounds scary. What can I do to help?

Well thanks for asking! There's actually lots of ways to help send messages to these oafs that you want to have access to the internet.

First, go to this website to learn more about it. I only summarized the main ideas of defending Net Neutrality.

Submit an email!

The chairman's email address: Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov

(This one is from 2015, you can still change the date and send it though): https://act.eff.org/action/congress-don-t-sell-the-internet-out

(Find who your representative is and send them an email): https://whoismyrepresentative.com

Call and talk, please don't be rude.

1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322)

Text "RESIST" to 50409 to write a letter to your senator if you're too anxious to call.

Sign a petition, it's easy and fast and helpful.





Even if you can't do any of that, please please PLEASE tell others about Net Neutrality. If you think it isn't such a big deal then see what happens when you wake up one morning and everything on the internet you love and know is gone.

Thank you.

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