Star Sailor- Singer!Tom x Fanboy!Edd

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It was love at first sight for Edd.

The way his love gracefully moved onstage to the beat of the music had captured his heart and trapped it in a cage, waiting to be freed by his crush's touch.

He didn't know that love was as complicated as this.


His mother had bought him tickets to see his favorite pop star, Tomcat, known as Tommy by his fans. He was a sensational popstar who toured around the world at the age of 21, delivering his sensational music to everyone of every age. The critics called him "this age's new hope for good music," while his fans called him "the greatest thing to ever exist." But everyone could agree on one thing: he was amazing at what he did.

Edd only went to the concert to listen to his idol's famed music, but he was soon mesmerized by the star. He stood in the crowd of screaming teenage girls, screaming along in ecstacy with them. He wanted to touch Tomcat. His heart wanted to do things to that man that God would shame. He wanted him all.

As soon as the concert finished, Edd went out to the back where Tomcat was exiting into a long black limousine, probably never to be seen again in person by any of his fans. Edd squeezed through the crowd of paparazzi, and called out to his love:


The star turned his head and looked over at Edd, and for a moment, his eyes met Edd's... or what were supposed to be his eyes. To be honest, they were just giant black holes. But they engulfed Edd in the nothingness that filled them, and he never wanted to escape them. "Well, hello there." Tomcat said, walking over to his fan. "Do you want me to sign something for your daughter or girlfriend? 25 dollars per autograph."

Edd became a bit flustered. "Could you..." he forgot what he was originally going to say. "Could you sign this?" He held out a ratty red baseball cap that had a hole on the side of it. There was a light blue button on the back of it that lost its shimmer long ago. "You want me to sign this?" Tom asked. Edd nodded.

Tom chuckled as he took a pen out of his pocket and scribbled something on the cap. "At least you're not asking me to sign your tongue or something gross like that," he said. "Since I'm feeling nice today, I won't make you pay for the autograph. Have a nice day, bud." And just like that, Tom disappeared into the sea of people. Edd looked at the note Tom wrote on the baseball cap, and traced his fingers along the letters as he let out a shaky breath.

stay strong, buddy.


"He actually signed my cap!" Edd cried. "And he didn't make me pay for it!"

Edd was telling his mother all about his experience he had at the concert, from getting there to meeting the star himself. His mother chuckled as Edd finished up. "Seems like you had a blast there." She said, flipping through the newspaper. Edd nodded. "It would be wonderful if I could see him again," Edd said. "He seemed like an awfully nice chap."

Edd's mother sighed as she walked over to his son,and ruffled his hair. "Don't get your hopes up, Edward." She said in a quieter voice. "Men like Tomcat are too busy to actually care about their fans. And even if he does care about you, he's probably some filthy playboy that'll cheat on you for another man. Don't trust men like him."

"But... he's different, mother!" Edd cried. "I know he is, when I looked into his eyes." "He doesn't have any eyes, though." She remarked. "In my eyes, he looks like he's some sort of devil spawn. Look, what I'm trying to say is don't go getting in trouble with love and end up selling your heart for nothing, alright? Save it for someone you truly love."

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