Tord x Reader- Crimson Sights (Part One)

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Tord, of course, was never exactly the best at taking over the world. His father (who was a big supporter of the Communist party and had ruled over several villages in Norway once) told him stories of how his great grandfather productively ruled over Norway once with an iron fist, which inspired Tord to become a communist himself. His sister, however, wasn't as impressed and grew up to be a dentist.

When his father died, the only two things he left behind for him were a group called the Red Army, which only had one person in it (David, who was a pretty good but old engineer), and a giant robot for which he once planned to use to take over the world. Tord promised to his father to fulfil his dream, and stashed his giant robot away in his friend's house for safekeeping while he built his army up. Unfortunately, before he could become any stronger, his nemesis, Thomas Ridgewell, had found Tord's secret lair and spoiled his plans, which forced Tord to use his robot early and get it destroyed.

In the process, Tord badly damaged the right side of his face and had to get his right arm removed, allowing him to replace it with a robot arm that David had built him.

Tord, to wrap it all up, was never the luckiest guy.


"You need to find and hunt down Tord Larsson." A feminine voice said to you.

You were hired by the Queen of England to be one of her top spies several years ago, and so far, you were one of the best she had hired since she became the Queen 65 years ago. "You do realize that failing to do this task could put several hundred people he's possibly targeted to kill at risk, right?" The voice assured. You nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty." You said. "I fully understand my duties, and I shall capture the criminal who has been terrorizing our country for many years." The Queen nodded. "Thank you." She said. "I have given you all the information about him that we have, which includes his looks, his logo, and all the other basic info about him. Now it's up to you to find his hidden base. Good luck, Agent Y."

You walked out the Queen's office, your hands shaking. You had never actually talked to Her Majesty yourself, except the time she first hired you to work for her. You opened up the folder she gave you, and saw that there was just one sheet of paper. You started to read it:

Name: Tord Larsson
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2
Weight: 167 lbs
Eye color: Grey
Hair Color: Beige/Light Brown
Crime(s): Runs an illegal communist league of soldiers somewhere underground. Has been linked to the disappearance of 5 women and one man.
Ethnicity​: Norwegian
Family: Ludvig Larsson (Father, deceased), Katherine Aavik (Mother), Jannicke Larsson (Sister)
Other info: Leader of the Red Army, which bears its insignia in the shape of his hair. Is rarely seen outside of his base.

You closed the folder, and sighed. He seemed like another one of those foreign weirdos that you had to capture for not as complex crimes, like killing a man or robbing a store. Most of the people you captured weren't very smart, so it made your job incredibly easy. You doubted that this man would be any harder than the others. You put on your coat, and walked out of the palace that Her Majesty called you to.

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