9. I Think Katie Might Be The Hulk And Ricky Is A Real Jerk

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So of course as you know my life is constantly messing itself up. Which is why after Jaxon saw me with Timmy he wouldn't even look at me. "Jaxon is kind of stupid." Morgan said out of the blue. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You should date Owen he has blonde hair, much better match." She told me. "First of all he's moving and second of all... no." I said walking down the hall.

But the more I thought about it I knew she was right about Jaxon not Owen that would be weird we are like best friends since child hood. But seriously  the smartest thing to do in a relationship whenever there are issues like this one is to talk it out. But no Jaxon had to be a big baby and ignore eye contact to mope. He should have gotten over himself but that never happens in the case of somebody who was a jerk to me for almost not quite but almost two whole freaking years because he had a crush on me.

That 's all I was thinking about until Morgan pulled me out of my trance. "I cannot wait until they announce the winners." She said with a grin. "What winners?" I questioned completely and utterly oblivious to whatever winners she was talking about. She groaned and face palmed before looking at me furiously. "HOW CAN YA NOT REMEMBA!" She yelled in her weird accent that might as well be alien. Well okay that was a little bit to loud for my liking but I replied anyway. "JUST TELL ME BEFORE I SLAP JAXON ACROSS THE FACE PLEASE!!" She let out a long exasperated sigh before she finally decided to tell me what the thing she mentioned earlier out of the blue for no good reason was. "A while back the school had us all write an essay on what country we thought would a cool to visit and whoever wrote the best essay would get a plane ticket to that place or something like that." She said and I had just nodded. "Actually it was one boy and one girl." She said feeling proud of herself although it probably isn't that big of a deal knowing .

The contest states that you win a single plane ticket that you are not allowed to sell on E-bay and can refuse to win a t-shirt instead. Which anybody who wins is almost definitely going to refuse because there is obviously no point to winning. Just because you payed for a single plane does not effect the fact you need a parent and a place to stay. Although the plane ticket won't be given to you for three months so for somebody like me it would work.

But the more I thought about it I realized it wouldn't really make sense why give two students a trip to two random countries? "Why would they do that?" I asked Morgan. "How my supposed ta know?" She asked. "I don't know because it's a stupid question and since you're a blonde I figured I'd ask you." I said trying to mock. "Huh... well I guess that makes sense!" She replied and started to to speed-walk down the hall to her boyfriend, Kane, until she turned around once more to tell me something. "Ask Katie! She wears glasses and likes nerd things like you which means she must be smart!"

I rolled my eyes and figured it would be worth a shot. I mean she wasn't wrong. But at the same time we're talking about a fourteen year old blonde girl who said I should date Owen. Whatever I'll try it and if all goes wrong I always have escape routes. I'm talking about speaking to Katie not dating Owen.

I held in my curiosity as to why the school would do something as dumb as offering free plane tickets to children until band hour. "KATIEE!!" I screamed running into the band room and tripping our baritone Ricky. Causing him to fall face first on the ground into trombone spit. "CRAP I TRIPPED RICKY!" I whispered yelled into Katie's ear. "Oh it's fine we hate that guy anyway" she said. I looked at her confused and she decided to give me an example. "See watch." She spoke with a smirk. She walked over to Rick who was on his knees and lifting up his shirt to try and wipe Bryson's spit off his face and kicked him the side to where he fell again but this time in Nick's spit. "I hate  you Ricky, nobody likes your face anyway", she said before grabbing my arm and dragging me into our director's office.

Upon entering the office I was very disoriented for many reasons. I wanted to ask about the whole trip thing but the Ricky situation seemed a little more important. "Why you so mad at Rick?" I asked. "Cori didn't tell you?" She said confused. I looked at her like 'no drrr if she did I wouldn't be asking' Katie sighed and punched a hole in to Shults's wall. "HE IS A MEANIE WHO SAYS MEAN THINGS ABOUT FRIEND!" She spoke as her skin started turning green and started gaining muscles. Next thing I knew Andrea calmly walked in the office and reached inside the whole Katie created in our director's office. She proceeded to pull out Lemon juice packets and fill a water gun that was in her purse with lemon juice. She then continued by spraying the lemon juice in Katie's mouth until she de-musclized.

I just kind of stared at them for a second until I finally spoke up. "What the crap?" I asked. "It's chill this happens all the time!" Andrea said happily. "Yup I'm calm and peaceful like the shuffle board." Katie chipped in. "When Katie gets like this there are two things that can contain her rage!" Andrea started. "Lemon juice packets and the sight of string bean drinking water instead of the other crap like soda she drinks." Katie finished. "But two things can bring out her wrath" Andrea drug on for unnecessary reasons. "Ricky and Uglydouchewhoiwanttostrangle or for short, Udwiwts." Katie told me.

For a second I was just trying to process the fact that there was a slight chance that Katie might be the Hulk but after I decided it was probably just a hallucination from me staying up so late last night wondering why Timmy had a guy on his lock screen, I got even more confused. "Who is Udwiwtsr?" I asked. "Oh he's an ugly douche I want to strangle." Katie said grabbing more lemon juice packets out of the hole she created in the office. "But what is his real name I asked. "I don't know and don't care" Katie said shrugging her shoulders. "I think it's Willy... no Tilley... uh Filley... oh I got it milky... nope never mind I can't remember." Andrea said. "I still don't understand why you were being so rude to Ricky." I said.

"Because Emily He said you were ugly and weird." They said simultaneously.

"He said what!"

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I be been super busy lol. Enjoy!

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