6. Far Away Friends [Life In Japan Crossover]

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After school I was at my locker when somebody covered my eyes.
"Hi Jaxon" I smiled.

"How did you know it was me!" He asked overly enthusiastic.

"Because you smell like cologne." I laughed.

"So you know what I smell like." He replied wiggling his eyebrows.

"No" I said obviously lying out of embarrassment.

"Aww don't  be shy. You smell like coconut." He said putting his head in my long brown hair.

"Jaxon stop what are you doing?" I screamed as he weirdly sniffed my hair.

"Nevermind you smell like a chemistry bag at the moment." He said and I laughed. "Want to sit with me on the bus?"

"Nah flag practice." He looked at me very puzzled.

"I know we don't have Color Guard but some of my friends and I practice for fun" I said smiling.

"You should start a team with whoever you're practicing with." He said.

"That's the dream." I replied.

"Can I stay and watch." He asked. "How are you gonna get back to your house?" I asked.

"Trust me I am in no rush." He said.

"Follow me."

I walked towards the band room since our awesome director lets us keep our flags there and grabbed #42.

"Woah your flag is the meaning of life." He said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I replied before skipping outside. We met up with Katie, Andrea and Destiny who smiled and waved before looking at Jaxon.

"Why is the douche here" They asked.

"No reason..." I said.

Afterwards we all practiced a few routines that we had came up with together before Andrea finally called break.

"Hey Emily we are heading down to the gas station to grab me some LEMON JUICEEEE!" Katie screamed.

"I don't know if I can handle this," Destiny laughed.

"Ready to strike!" Andrea and Katie yelled back and forth before there voices slowly drifted away.

"So now only Cori and Morgan know that we are dating" Jaxon thought aloud.

"Actually... I kind of told Bryson." I said.

"What why did you tell him!" Jaxon exclaimed.

"Because he's nice..." I said.

"Well that doesn't mean that you should have told him that we were dating" Jaxon said.

"I didn't just tell him that we were dating... he guessed it all on his own." I told him.

"Whatever..." he muttered. I made a pouty face at him and kissed him on the cheek. He blushed at me and smiled extremely wide just staring at me.

"Uh Jaxon you okay?" I asked.

"Yeahhh" he said and put his on his cheek where I had kissed him.

Jaxon and I were talking for a little bit before I had the best idea ever. I decided to call my friend named Nikki from Tokyo, Japan. She had this gigantic crush on this boy named Tadashi and was a super awkward person. I love her soo freaking much. Her ringtone was even about Tadashi.

"HIII!" I squealed happily.

"Kon'nichiwa, anata wa mada sono ichi-ri no otoko ni koishite imasu ka" She said in fluent Japanese.

"What I don't understand a word you just said." I said looking like a dumb car.

"Oh I'll text it to you later but it's your choice on whether or not you want to put it through the translator." She winked at me. She freaking winked but I saw a blonde boy beside her and decided what are friends for if they don't embarrass you.

"Hey who's that hot blonde boy next to you?" I asked with my voice laced in curiosity

"H-he why did you just call him h-hot. I mean not that he isn't hot but I mean it's not like he is hot either I mean. HIS NAME IS TADASHI!" She said loudly.

"Oh you mean that one boy who you have a crush on I mean your friend Nikkiiidina has a crush on..." I said blowing her cover than failing at putting it back together purposely.

"Who is Nikkidina?" he asked smirking. I internally fangirled for Nikki.

"HOW IS THAT JERK JAXON?!" Nikii asked in a really creep way while trying to change the subject.

"Wait who just called me a jerk?" Jaxon asked probably regretting his past decisions.

"Woah is that Jaxon!" She smiled.

"Uh yeah..." I said with a hint of a blush.

"Oh my gosh you have got to stop being such a douche to her and ask her out! I know for sure that she has crush on you so DO IT OR I WILL RELEASE MY WRATH" She yelled and I could have sworn I saw Tadashi smile at her.

"Actually Jaxon is my boyfriend!" I said smiling widely.

"Way to blow our cover!" Jaxon said loudly.

"What she lives in freaking Japan! It isn't like she is going to jump on a plane and fly to America and tell my parents!" I yelled at him.

"So you have already told Morgan and Cori... and Bryson." He said muttering Bryson's name begrudgingly.

"What why are you so mad about me telling Bryson!" I yelled at him.

"I am not mad!" He retorted.

"That has got to be why you can barely say his name without saying it angrily." I argued. We fought back and forth before Nikki unleashed the truth..

"I don't know who this Bryson guy is but I think Jaxon is jealous" She smirked.

"What no!" He said turning bright red.  She squealed happily while fist bumping the air like a crazy person.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" She said happily.

"Jaxon you don't have to worry about Bryson, he has a crush on Elise and I am secretly planning on getting them together." I said slightly blushing. "So promise me you won't get jealous." I asked. He smiled happily.

"Pinky swear." He said. We pinky swore laughing adorably.

After we stopped lauging Nikki spaced out.

"Hey Nikki you okay?" Tadashi asked her.


"All that happened is you spaced out blushing right after Jaxon and I had stopped laughing.

"HA Ha okay...." She said.

"Guess now I can call both you my far away friends as well" Tadashi said. He grinned I decided to cut in and be mean.

"Definitely as a matter of fact you and Jaxon should exchange numbers... you know you maybe could talk about girl problems. As a matter of fact maybe you should ask out-" I started.

"OH HEY LOOK AT THAT I UMM GODZILLA IS ATTACKING TOKYO BYE!!" Nikki finished before hanging up.

"Well that was interesting..." Jaxon said.

"You cannot possibly be freaked out by THAT." I said laughing.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because you just freaked out when I kissed you on the cheek.

"Yeah well I can make you freak out as well." He said.

"Oh yeah how." I smirked.

"Like this."

This chapter was written by both Pokemonlover42 and I. Go check out her book Life In Japan! In chapter 7 Jaxon and Emily are seen through Nikki's perspective and there is a pic of them as anime characters!
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