4. Just Friends And Just Secret

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After everything that happened Jaxon fell asleep quickly. It was a good thing too, cause I don't think I could have handled listening to him talk all night. I looked at my phone to see what time it was, hoping that Cori or Morgan would get here soon to help get the two of us out of here. Lucky for me as soon as I checked the door opened. I had to wake Jaxon up because he's a guy who without an alarm will sleep until noon. Cori looked at the two of us expectantly.

"Turns out it wasn't a big deal," I said with a smile having realized that neither of us came up with an excuse for them. The answer didn't cut it for Cori. She continued to look at the two of us waiting for a response.

"So do you remember that guy I dated for like a day at most? Turns out directly after we broke up mutually him and some other girl got together who broke the poor guy's heart. Apparently, Jaxon didn't hear about the other girl and thought that I was the one who broke his heart." I explained trying my hardest to laugh realistically.

"Yeah, sorry for the confusion," Jaxon said with a fake chuckle. Cori continued to look at the two of us and I crossed my fingers hoping she'd buy it.

"Omg, I HAVE got to tell Morgan what idiots you two are!" She exclaimed running out of the room. I finally let out the breath I was holding. For some reason I kind of thought she'd be smarter than that.

"So I guess I'll see you around," Jaxon said holding my hands.

"Nope," I said and his eyes widened like he did something wrong. What a loser. "You are walking me to class like a boyfriend would do," I grinned letting go of one of his hands and walking with him.

"Wait, but I thought we were keeping this thing a secret," he said. I should have known that he'd sleep the sense out of him.

"We discussed this last night. You can hold my hand and be around me whenever you want. All we are doing is saying that we aren't a couple to anybody who asks. Our excuse is that I don't like you but you have a crush on me and I'm friend zoning you." I said.

"Oh yeah, I was there for that." He replied idiotically. I couldn't believe I was dating a guy like that. We stopped at the door that led into the hallways. We needed to prepare us for what came next. Finally, we walked through the door holding hands. When we thought that we weren't ready for it we would have been correct.

Immediately everybody began to stare at the two of us. I assumed it had either something to do with the fact that we just walked out of the band room before the teacher was there, that we were the same clothing or the fact that we were holding hands. I didn't exactly hide my distaste of Jaxon from the world. As a matter of fact, I was quite dramatic about it. As a matter of fact, most would think that I'd rather murder him than hold his hand of all things. My internal worry of people's stares was quickly re-routed when my friend Miranda came up with a squeal.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this is actually happening. My OTP is finally together after all this time of hatred and riveting drama. Now I can finally show fangirling to the world!" She screamed. I realized quickly that this would be my second lie of the day. She was so excited though that I was almost sad that I'd have to break her fangirl heart.

"Heck no, Jaxon and I are friends nothing else. The two of us made up and he said that he really liked me. So how could I say no to friendship with words like that? Sorry." I said hoping I was believable.

"Yep, just friends as I wanted." He sighed like a broken-hearted teen. I was impressed by how well he pretended to be friend-zoned. He was a loser so he probably got friend-zoned a lot anyway. The girl looked depressed and walked off slowly. I was about to go and comfort her but got startled when I heard singing/screaming from down the hall.

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