5. Trouble And Chemistry Mishaps

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Everyone in the room except for Morgan got a little nervous over Mr. Bind's presence. I tried to talk but I was stuttering too much. It was okay because Morgan cut in quickly.

"Dude they just had a conversation," Morgan shrugged. I wished I could have her kind of confidence. The principal said nothing and instead just stared down Jaxon. At first, I could see Jaxon getting nervous under his stare but after a moment it began to just tick him off.

"Listen, Emily thought I was a jerk. So her idiot friends thought it would be a good idea to lock us in a closet and have us talk it out. We did. End of story." Jaxon said defensively. I was slightly taken aback by Jaxon taking charge.  But if I'm being honest.  I kind of liked it. The principal sighed and face-palmed obviously stressed out.

"Did your parents know where you were?" He finally asked. I immediately froze. I noticed Jaxon tense up confirming that his parents had no clue where he was either. I decided to list out the pros and cons in my head. There were so many things that could go wrong if I lied but same for if I just told the truth. 

"I already told my parents what happened," I said finally with complete confidence. Binds' stared at me for a moment in contemplation but finally relaxed his shoulders and allowing me to let out a sigh of relief knowing that he bought it.

"Emily, I'd like you to go back to class but the rest of you are to stay with me." Binds finally decided. Jaxon turned to me and gave me a sad smile. I felt a little bad about throwing him under the bus but also not too bad because I probably would have gotten the crap beat out of me.

I quickly headed out of the room and went on to my Physical Science class. I sat down next to my lab partner, Bryson.  He was kind of known as the class annoyance but I didn't really mind him. I immediately threw my bag on the ground next to me and immediately started banging my head on the desk repeatedly.

"Hey Emily, you okay?" He questioned slightly worried. Only slightly.

"I'm completely fine," I replied sarcastically. He only nodded his head and continued to stare off into space.

"I'm not fine!" I suddenly half yelled out of nowhere.

"Yeah, I could tell." He said rolling his eyes.

"I thought that I hated Jaxon Harris so the two of us got trapped in a closet because of my two weird friends and now I just want to die because the principal knows," I told him ranting in anger.

"Woah, what happened between you and Jaxon in that closet?" He asked and I slumped slightly in my chair.

"I mean nothing happened really. Okay, that's kind of a lie. Not a lot happened in the closet. At least nothing to be concerned about."

"I don't know about that Emily," Bryson replied shaking his head.


"Word travels fast. I heard that you and Jaxon were seen holding hands this morning," he says smiling at me slightly and I blush. "Are you guys dating?"

"What!  No, of course not. I could never date such a rude, loud-mouthed, cute, jerk." I replied.

"Well, that answers my question. Don't worry I won't let anyone know about your secret boyfriend." 

"Thanks and I won't let anyone know about your crush on Elise."

"You know about that?" Bryson questioned suddenly.  A blush spread upon his cheeks as he attempted to not make eye contact with me.

"It's kind of obvious. Besides, I would like to point out that if you want to hide a crush avoiding eye contact is a dead give away." 

"It doesn't matter. Girls are complicated." Bryson huffed out. I was about to yell at him for being over dramatic but was instead yelled at by the teacher for not doing the experiment.

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