1. Jaxon Harris And The Art Of Crushing

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If I'm being completely honest I'm not sure how any of this started or even why. I think it had something to do with his personality. I mean even people who would just pass by him in the halls had to admit that he acted like a goofball. But he was an adorable goof as well.

Thinking back it may not have even been his goofy personality. It could have been his black hair and dreamy green eyes. You can't blame me for thinking he was such a hottie back then. I was an eighth-grade girl in her own little fantasy about Jaxon Harris, the perfect guy.

But truth be told, he was anything and everything but the perfect guy. I mean he was possibly the best looking, in my opinion, but that is beside the point.

Out of every stupid thing I have ever done in my life. Falling for none other than Jaxon Harris was probably the stupidest and believe me I had done some stupid crap in the past. I'm not going to deny that. It's the truth.

But even though it was the stupidest it was also the most amazing. I get kind of bi-polar when it comes to how I feel about those days. It's just that if I had never fallen for him the way I did. Then we would never have gotten together. But if we had never gotten together my life would definitely not have been so dramatic. I mean bad dramatic. I legit had to deal with some evil twerp planning on world domination. I'm not even joking.

If I'm going to tell this stupid story about how I got together with Jaxon Harris I might as well start at the beginning. It all started my eighth-grade year. I was kind of naive and stupid. Okay, not kind of. I was a freaking idiot who couldn't help but find the guy a grade above me, hot as heck. His name was Jaxon Harris which you have probably figured out by now. He had black hair and green eyes that stuck out in a crowd and always looked like a slacker.

I thought he was perfect, but there were some obvious signs that should have showed me he was a loser. He never did anything with his hair. He barely even washed it. Not to mention he always walked with slouched shoulders while staring at the ground. Looking back now it's kind of nerve-wracking. He couldn't even bother to stand up straight. But whatever, don't judge child me. Not to mention even now I'm kind of in love with the guy. So not even I can judge my past, idiotic self. But for some reason there was, even more, I found hot about the guy.

I also found his musical talents attractive as well. He was just an egotistic trumpet player but there was more to it. He could pick up just about any instrument you handed him and play it instantly. I'm not even going to lie. It was mesmerizing to meet somebody with talent like that. For some, it could take days, weeks, months, or even years to even get decent at playing some of the instruments he could play. That's probably what caught my attention the most.

I'm a band nerd so there's really no better way to win my heart than through music. Especially if you play me that Careless Whisper. My heart is yours no questions asked. I'm not even joking bois.

The other thing that probably caused the crush that would turn my life into a crazy roller coaster ride was how smart he was. If you asked a teacher about him they'd tell you what a whiz kid he was and honestly can anybody ever get hotter than that. Brains make the man and let me tell you. He had some good brains.

He was even good at freaking Algebra. That stuff is hard. Like extremely hard. If I could go back in time and change anything. I would probably get rid of my stupid good morals and have Jaxon do my homework. He wasn't good for much else anyway.

Back then I'd watch him all the time. Every single time he was in the room my eyes always seemed to wander in his direction. Not in a creepy way though. At least I hope it wasn't creepy but looking back now it was probably extremely creepy. Like stalker levels of creepy. I was just kind of stealing glances at him whenever he was around and if we made eye contact I would freak out and turn fire truck red. I didn't want him to know that I was watching him and observing his life so intensely.

He was just an interesting person in general with his lousy sense of style and posture. Not to mention how goofy and weird he was. He'd always make the stupidest faces and I loved it. So I'd always take my chance to see them no matter what. I tried to be as discreet as possible but I'm not very good at it. My staring turned out to be enough for my best friend, Morgan, to take notice.

"Ooh, who ya' lookin' at?" She would question me constantly when she noticed I was spaced out or looking in a strange direction. I'd always blush slightly and roll my eyes at her. But she noticed the blush.

"Is it a hot guy!" She'd scream causing me to widen my eyes. She'd even start jumping up and down as if it actually affected her life.

"It's not a hot guy," I'd mutter angrily so that she would just take the hint and shut up. But she never did.

"So, sweet and innocent Emily is staring at some boy," she'd say as if I was a child.

"Oh, shut up don't tease me about it," I'd say.

"I'm so proud of you for taking part in my bad behavior," she'd say back causing me to huff. It wasn't a big deal to me. I just thought that Jaxon Harris was the hottest, smarted, and coolest guy ever. It wasn't too big a deal at all. I was wrong about it anyway.

Jaxon Harris was a loser. A loser I couldn't keep my eyes off of.

But there was one thing I didn't account for. Something that I should have seen sooner. The super talented, super hot, and super smart Jaxon Harris had a secret of his own.

That adorable Freshman couldn't keep his eyes off of me either.

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