3. Confessions & Realizations

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After all that had happened back in those days, I had pretty much begun to hate Jaxon Harris even after I became a Freshman. But trust me he did much more stupid stuff than just what I've told you. The thing is even though I hated him I also loved him as well. Even when he was being a jerk there was something he had that the other guys didn't. I really don't know how to justify my past actions but it's the truth. I still really really liked him.

But the real story begins after a certain band competition that we had gone to.

The thing was that he had never particularly stopped acting like a jerk. So I confided in my friends. The thing was I just wanted them to listen to me rant but instead, they decided to take action.

The night we got back from the competition we were all extremely exhausted so before I entered the band room, which had zero cell service, I messaged my mom and told her  I'd just go home with my friend Cori since her and Morgan wanted to have a girl's night.

When I went inside to put my stuff up I noticed a ton of kids had left their stuff out because of there lazy bums. So after putting up my stuff up, I decided to put their stuff back where it belonged in the first place. Somebody left their trombone case out so I decided to put it in the band closet next to all the other trombones.

Of course, it'd be the trombones. It's always those guys.

The thing was that Jaxon followed me in there. He probably just needed to put something of his own up but I was tired and angry. I couldn't help but wonder why that douche followed me everywhere. So I hurried up and put the instrument where it supposed to before bolting for the door. The thing was as soon as I had reached it. The door slammed shut. Jaxon turned around quickly toward where the noise was and I noticed a piece of paper being slid underneath the door. I picked it up and read curiously.

"CORI LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW I SWEAR TO G-" I began to scream as soon as I read it but Jaxon cut me off.

"Woah, what's wrong?" he questioned and I got even angrier with the thought of being near him for even a second longer.

"This is!" I yelled handing him the note.

Dear Emily, I understand that Jaxon has been being a douche to you for no reason. I mean that's seriously messed up so we think it's about time that you ask that jerk why! If he keeps refusing to tell you by the time tomorrow morning comes and we let you out then we will kick his loser butt.

Love, Cori and Morgan- Your Backup Chicks

He read the entire thing aloud instead of reading to himself quietly.

"You didn't have to read the entire thing out loud," I said annoyed. He didn't reply but instead kept re-reading the note over and over quietly. When he finished confirming it said what he thought it did he looked confused and looked at me for an explanation.

"What the oblivious look for?" I questioned. 

"You think I'm a jerk?" he asked and I looked at him dumbfounded.  Like seriously, of course, I thought he was a jerk. "Name one thing I have ever done to you!" he said accusingly. I didn't hesitate to let my pent up anger roll of my tongue in droves.

"There was this time when you ignored me in the doorway for several minutes while I continuously asked you to move. Not to mention all the times you've glared at me on the bus and other places. The times you talk monotone and worst of all the time you started muttering that day I wore a slightly short skirt." I finished going on a barely comprehensible rant.

"Okay, the skirt thing is kind of complicated." He told me turning to where I couldn't see his face.  I rolled my eyes.  Of course, he wouldn't have anything better to say.

"I bet it's really complicated," I said being as sarcastic as possible.

"Come on just move, I'll get the door open." He said.

"It's locked genius," I said. He looked at me slightly annoyed before walking over to the door attempting to open it. He failed.

"It's locked," he sighed.

"Well, gosh darn. How could you have ever known? Poor Jaxon. It's not like anybody specifically told you that the door was locked before you even tried opening it." I said being as fake and snarky as possible.

"Oh wait. I did!"  I exclaimed sitting down with my back leaning on the door. He sat beside me.

"It's not exactly my fault I'm such a jerk," he said under his breath but I heard him anyway.

"How the heck is it not your fault? You should be able to deal with the consequences of your own actions. You act like a jerk, people are going to think you're a jerk." I told him.

"Like you deal brilliantly with the consequences of your actions," he said to me.

"Excuse me. I deal quite wonderfully with the consequences of my actions," I told him proudly.

"Is that why you looked like you were about ready to break the freaking door after you read the note that was from none other than your backup chicks. I'm just saying that if you wouldn't have gossiped with Morgan and Cori about me being a jerk neither of us would be in this mess," he said.

"If you wouldn't have been such a jerk to me than I would have talked to them about band or something instead of what a jerk you were," I retorted.

He sighed and put his face into his hands looking slightly stressed and guilty. I felt slightly bad for being so rude to him but at the same time, it was something he deserved and needed to hear. After a moment he finally looked up and started staring at me like he was in a trance of some sort.

"What is it?"  I asked getting slightly self-conscious about why he was staring at me.

"I'm sorry," he said looking into my brown eyes with his green ones. Somehow it was like time stopped. I didn't expect him to just apologize like that.

"Apology accepted," I whispered unable to say anything else. We sat in a long silence but there was something else that had started to bother me. "Why do you stare at me like that or talk to me like your always annoyed?" I asked.

"Swear you won't make fun of me?" He asked.

"Promise," I replied.

"I've had a crush on you for a while and like the idiot I am, I didn't tell you. I didn't want you to know so I kind of was being inconspicuous by acting like a jerk. Which was a really bad idea and well you get the gist." He said nervously. I laughed out loud and had the biggest grin ever on my face.

"Why do guys have to be so complicated," I laughed lightly. 

"Girls aren't a piece of cake either," he said turning red from embarrassment.

"If you would have just asked me out I would have said yes! You're such an idiot. Do you have any idea how nerve-wracking it is to think the guy who you have a crush on hates you," I said laughing.

"Well then, would you by any chance like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. Oof. I had been wishing he'd say that for so long but now that he's actually said it there's an issue I can't exactly shake off.

"I would but my mom kind of hates you with her very being," I said and his face immediately dropped. Honestly, I could have cared less what she thought but I wouldn't put it past her to kick me out of the house if I defied her.  But after a moment his face turned from defeated to a smirk.

"We could keep it a secret," he suggested and I smiled already liking the idea.

"How do you suggest we do that?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders.

"We could do just about everything a couple does no problem. But if anybody asks we just say we're friends.  If anything we could make it seem like you were simply friend zoning me a lovesick teenage boy." He said.

"Yeah, but we couldn't kiss otherwise the facade would be immediately destroyed," I said and he nodded.

"That's too bad because I really would have enjoyed kissing you," he said flirtatiously and I blushed. I punched him in the arm immediately. What a dork. I knew right away that he was going to be this dorky all night.

Our Little SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora