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"Come on do it!' Sangwoo spat annoyed. "Cut her! How are you supposed to kill her if you can't even cut her?!"

"I can't," you stutter, clenching the knife in your hand. "I can't do it." 

You can't think. You can't breathe.  Ji Eun's screams and Sangwoo's harsh voice blare in your ears. The room becomes hazy. You are going to pass out soon, you are sure of it.  Pass out or barf, or even both

Sangwoo sucks his teeth and yanks the knife from your shaking hands. "You are starting to piss me off." He stomps towards Ji Eun pushing you aside. He lowers and takes her by the chin forcefully and when she struggles he digs his fingers into her flesh. "It's not that fucking hard, see," he says angeling the knife and slicing one side of her neck with just enough force to cut a thin layer of skin. Ji Eun screams into the gag, her chains bang with her jerky movements. 

You slap your hands over your ears. "Stop it." You try to deafen her pained filled groans but you can't.

Sangwoo glares when he sees you. He shakes the blood from the knife and goes to you, forcing your hands away from your ears. He squeezes your wrist tightly. "You think if I give this knife to this stupid bitch, she won't try to kill you if it meant surviving, huh? Are you feeling sorry for her?  You should know better. You should know the lengths people will go to survive." He shakes you hard, but you are paralyzed. "You should fucking know!" He raises your chin with the point of the knife, you stare up at the ceiling, your tears sliding down your sides. "Or are you thinking you are better than? You want to leave me is that it? Answer me, damn it." The skin breaks and you wince in pain. "You think you and I are that much different? You killed your brother don't forget that."

"It was self-defense," you retort quietly, glancing at the shiny knife. You wrap your hands around his wrist. "Sangwooo."

Sangwoo pulls the knife away and stares back at Ji Eun. Her legs are both broken. Her ankles are giant eggplants. "Well if that is the excuse you want to use. I'll let you use it," he rubs the side of his neck and goes to the woman tied to the basement column. She is sobbing. 

You drop to your knees and stare at your palms. You have to survive this. This is nothing. This nothing like the pain of hunger in your belly. Nothing compared to the merciless beatings. You can survive this. 

 He squats in front of Ji Eun who tries to back away even though she is glued in place. He is gentle when he brushes her jet strands over her shoulders. Her blood trickling down her wound covered skin. There is even a slight smile on the corner of his lips, mercy in his eyes when he cups her face.

"If I hold him down, you think you can stab him with this knife, Ji Eun?"

He doesn't hear your shaky gasp. Ji Eun sniffles, her chin quivering. 

"You have to tell me now, JI Eun," he whispers pressing his forehead to hers. "Can my little beluga kill that filthy rag."

"Psychotic son of a bitch!" You shout, looking around for something to bash his head in. If it is true you killed your brother, how will you not be able to kill this asshole? You get on your feet and Sangwoo chuckles, rising with a tired exhale. You rush to his toolbox cart and before you reach the rusty pliers, he grabs you by your oversized shirt and slams your head hard against the concrete wall. You bash your hip on the corner of the toolbox drawer at the same time. You see circles when he drags you by the hair towards Ji Eun. 

You dig your nails into his arm as best as you can and when he drops you, you fall with your knees under you. Just as your mouth opens to talk back again he kicks you down. Once. Twice. You double over in seething pain.

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