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"Hewp! Hewp!" Ji Eun screams lunging herself towards your feet. You take a step back, your throat tight.

You can't breathe. You feel as if someone has sucker punched you in the gut. You almost double over from the pain, but something inside you remains alive. That instinctual feeling you recognize so well. You become aware of your trembling fingers and meet eyes with Sangwoo.

"W-why is she here?" You ask, forcing your jaw still to keep your teeth from chattering.

Sangwoo yanks Ji Eun from her chain and yanks her towards him hard, that her scream is cut off. He throws her down in the puddle of water by his feet. He kicks her when she is in reach and when she is splayed on the floor he squats to turn the faucet down. Sangwoo is calm all throughout, even when he holds your gaze.

"Why do you think?" He asks with a smile, a crazed smile that makes your heart wrench. He is in his boxers smiling at you as if he does not have a naked woman in his basement. "I have her here for you. Surprise," he adds dryly.

His voice is powerfully capable of overpowering Ji Eun's sobbing. For some reason, it feels omniscient, omnipotent.

You are going to die here.

"For me? Why?"

Sangwoo walks past Ji Eun, his naked feet splattering in the puddle. He watches you ever so carefully. He watches for any sign of your disgust, for any sign of rejection. He waits for you to run up those stairs and prove him right. To prove to him that there is no one in this world that can accept the real him...even someone like you.

There is fear in your eyes, but you remain still. You stand strong and all of a sudden, he can longer read you.

"You said you wanted to meet the real me and this is it. This is who I am, MN." He crosses his arms over his chest. For a second, he seems like a scolded child. It's as if he is waiting for you to reprimand him for what he is done. His eyes even look huge. He almost looks adorable.


He is fucking crazy.

"I see," you manage to speak, trying to keep from looking at Ji Eun. The fact that the milky skin she prided herself on is covered in wounds makes you want to barf. It smells so bad down here. "How long has she been here?"

He looks from the floor and smiles widely at you. Still child-like. What the hell is going on? "She will have a week."

"They'll be looking for her soon," you try to maintain a detached tone. A cool tone. "What are you going to do when the cops begin snooping around?"

Sangwoo narrows his eyes, all of a sudden, his child-like charm is gone and he is replaced by that dominant man that had made lov---raped you.

"No one will find her unless you open your mouth." He then closes his distance in a blink of an eye and yanks your head back with a fist of your hair. "You're not planning on doing that, are you, MN? After I've gone through all this trouble for you."

You want to scream. You want to claw and fight, but you're not stupid. You are psychology major for a reason. If you fight him you will break the bond that you have built between you. He will tie you down here and there is no fucking way you'll ever get out. You have to wait for your chance. You have to gain his trust.

"You're hurting me!" You pull away. "Can't you see I am already sore, you asshole."

Sangwoo smirks and then clenches his fingers over the hollow of your cheeks that hurt so much already and then he backhands you so hard and fast that you fall to your knees. You taste blood on the inside of your mouth. You glare up him through the pain and find him smiling down at you.

Killing Stalking-RejectionWhere stories live. Discover now