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"I'll pick you up from your apartment in the morning and I'll have my friend tow your car to his shop. I'll take you there after school."

"Thank you," you respond kindly, looking around. He is too large for this car. His large legs look crowded under the steering wheel. There is something that pricks the back of your mind. Why is his car so clean? "Is this a new car?"

"Nah," he responds, but doesn't say much else. No clues to answer your question. Almost as if he knew what you were thinking.

"Hey, what were you doing at school so late?"

"I like it when you call me by name," Sangwoo says turning towards you and merging into the highway. The way he says it sounds like a command.

You don't respond and prop your chin on your palm looking out the window as cars pass by. A gasoline. People gathered waiting for a bus.

He won't tell you what there is no need for you to know...at least not yet. Not while you are still so jumpy. A stray kitten is observed and loved with caution until it warms up to you itself. You are no different. He also won't tell you that while he made his way to your classroom he saw Ji Eun walk out of there furious confirming his suspicions about you two. She was carrying scissors and knowing that ugly personality of hers--he knew it was a show he couldn't miss. Plus, it is entertaining the way you shift from one person to another. So, yes, he watched from across the street how that tall, dark haired guy, that is in love with her took the scissors and slashed your tires.

"How do you know Ji Eun?"

You straighten and anger all over again. You should just tell him, but it is none of his business.

"I met her today, remember?"

Sangwoo clenches the steering wheel and looks at you. His lips are lifted in a smile that was different from the ones at school. This one had a more sinister look to it.

"I hate when people lie to my face, you see, it makes me feel they are mocking me or testing my intelligence."

You get goosebumps at the quick change of demeanor and aura. Could it be that Sangwoo and you were the same?

"We grew up together in the same village."

"Ahh," he says, but he doesn't ask more. What he really wanted to know was if you'd answer. He drilled Ji Eun, but she refused to say anything.

Good kitty.

"You're dating or something?"

Sangwoo laughs. "You live far from the university."

"I answered your question and you keep avoiding mine, asshole."

Your irritation flares. The truth is you have a short-temper. How you've survived so long without it surfacing at school is a miracle.

"I am glad that you're not hiding from me, MN. I like this side of you, it is less boring than the one you show at school." He can do things with the real you. Breaking you in will be fun.

"Don't talk as if you know me," you retort getting angrier.

"Your mask at school even this little combative side of you," he says sternly. "They are all just walls. Protective layers."

"Shut up and take a right on this street, you---"

He cuts you off with a malicious look. "I know you more than you realize." He travels down the street and slows down nearing the duplex in which you live. "All that goodie two-shoes stuff you do, how much of that is truth? How much is that a way to prove to yourself that whatever shit you went through didn't break you?"

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