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I got inspired by my new friend today. Hope you like it.

Sangwoo's hears his heartbeat in his temples when he dashes out of his car and heads to the duplex. He is worried. The fact that he is worried about you frustrates him, but not as much as the anger he feels at that disgusting brother of yours. He scans around for cops, but he doesn't see any and runs through the sidewalk that separates two small pieces of lawn. The duplex is quiet. Your light is on. He knocks.

"MN open the door."

The muscles of his jaw move with dread. He clenches his fist until his knuckles turn white. The door finally creaks open. The chain still attached.


"Let me in," Sangwoo interrupts pulling the chain.

He can't see much through the crack of the door, but he can see your eyes are red. The fact that you cry for someone else angers him more. He doesn't want any tears in your eyes that are not caused by him.

You close the door and debate about letting him inside. You had called him out of desperation. You were surprised when you did. You were so used to doing things on your own that this dependence felt unnatural. His words were the only thing you remembered.

I can fight your battles for you.

What does that mean? And what do you have to give him in return? Your entire body is trembling, your legs feel like they are made of out soggy noodles. He calls your name again.

You slide the chain and when he hears it from the other side he barges in right past you. At first glance, your tiny living room that is shared with the kitchen looks perfectly normal. Homey. Well-lived in. Kind of messy.

The fact that you are sloppy is kind of cute and kind of irritating. Sloppy means mistakes and that is how you get caught.

He turns to you and sees how you stand with a hand lightly over your throat and the other hugging around your hips. You still wear the khaki and white blouse from earlier. A few buttons are popped. With a step, he closes the distance.

He pulls your hand away which you reluctantly stiffen away from your throat and sees two rope burns. He molars grind with anger.

"Where is he," he says with clenched teeth.

You gasp and shudder. Your eyes go blank. He frowns and grabs your chin with his fingers.

"Hey!" He blares, shaking you. "Focus. Where is he?! Did you call the cops?"

You shake your head no and look towards your bedroom door. "He was waiting for me when I arrived. He was hiding in my closet. I don't even know how he found out where I live." You stay quiet for a bit. "He must've been following me." You add again, answering your own question.

Sangwoo walks towards the bedroom door and you immediately return to reality. You grab him by the hem of his t-shirt.

"Sangwoo! Wait!"

Sangwoo looks down at you over his shoulder with a calmness that truly frightened you. It was as if he was familiar with these types of situations.

"I'll just a take a look."

You nod defeated and let him go and place your hand over your throat where the rope dug into your skin. Just the touch of your fingers makes you wince in pain, you continue fingering the reddened skin to remind yourself that your older brother that you once loved and loved you, had tried to kill you tonight. All the things you both shared, the nights where he protected you from your step-father's beatings, the laughter that you both caused in each other was over.

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