Chapter Eighteen

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Melanie and I finally fell asleep cuddled to each other but I really had to take a wiz. I look at the clock and it read 5:37am. I sigh and slowly untangle myself from her and do my business. When I'm away from her it makes me sad, like it's hard to breathe without her. I pick my phone up turn my phone on, unlock it and turn my data on

40 missed calls and 15 Messages
MUM: Hunny did you make it?
Mr. PAYNE: Answer the phone Harold!
MUM: Harold please answer your phone.
MUM: Harry I need to know if you guys are safe.
Mr. PAYNE: Harold son. Are y'all safe? No one informed us of you making it safely and we are very worried.

DAD: Harry call me right now!
Mr. PAYNE: Please call us. If you don't call by 6 I'm calling the police to report missing teenagers. You have not informed anyone and it's been a 24 hour period.
DAD: Did you make it to Vegas?
DAD: Hello, Harold. Did you guys make it safe. Your mom is worried about you!

Mr. PAYNE: Harold please contact us. None of us know where you are. We called the hotel and they aren't giving info out.
Niall's Mum: Harry honey please tell me y'all are alright. Niall and Jessica need food at all times.

Niall's Mum: Please call or text me right away.
Lil's Mum: Harry love please please please tell me you guys are okay. Lillian is all I have and I can't lose her.

Mr. Malik: Harold are my kids safe? Nobody can get a hold of y'all. We have zero info on where y'all are at. Mr. Payne will be calling the authorities soon. Please get a hold of us!

Lil's Mum: All of you guy's are my children and I can't help but think you guys are not safe. Please call me please.

I scroll up my notifications and start waking everyone up. "EVERYONE GET UP!" They all wake up startled and scared. "None of us told our parents we were safe!" I yell and motion them to look at their phones.

"Oh shit!" We all say in sync. Everyone scrambles and walks back and forth calling their parents.


M.P: oh my god Harold is everything all right! I was about to call the police. Is everyone okay? Is my Mel and David okay?

ME: I am so sorry sir. We all forgot to inform y'all. We are all okay, everything is well.

M.P: Why didn't you answer our calls? We were so worried about you guys, we were thinking the worst.

ME: We had our phones on airplane mode and turned them off because we were protecting Melanie from the news and interviewers. I don't know if you saw the news recently but Melanie passed out getting off the plane from all the flashes and people. We are all over the tabloids.

M.P: I am so sorry Harry. Your father and I thought it was best for the company and we forgot to tell you about them. We wanted you guys to act as natural as possible and we forgot about the safety and pressure of you kids. I'm glad y'all are safe we will talk about this more in the morning. You get some sleep and I'll make sure the rest of y'all's parents in now you safe and well.

ME: Okay sir. I will be waiting for your call. Have a nice night sir.

M.P: Harry..

ME: Yes sir..

M.P: please take care of my kids and tell them I love them.

ME: of course sir .. goodnight

As I hang up the phone everyone else we're already in their rooms. Melanie sat there and waited for me. "What did he say.. Is he mad?" She looks at the ground.

"Of course not Mel, he was just worried. All of them were. But we are all good and everyone is safe so all is good love." I kiss her forhead gentally and hold her hands in mine.

"Yeah I guess so." She says slowly. "Let's get some sleep, we have a lot to do tomorrow." I make us lay down and she cuddles into my chest. Everything was at peace her breathing becomes steady and I know she has fallen to sleep.

"I love you Melanie, and I want to spend my whole life with you." I whisper as I kiss her head softly and drift to sleep with my heart smiling.

I am so sorry I have been gone for so long! I have been going through a lot and haven't had time to keep up with this story. But like I said before I will finish it slowly but surely! Thank you guys for supporting me in everything I do! Please comment and like so I know y'all still want me to continue! I love y'all with all my heart! 💓
Love, Teresa Darji aka lalgirl747
P.S: If y'all want to get ahold of me other than here add me on Facebook: Teresa Darji
Instagram: lalagirl747
Snapchat: bunny_rabbit3
Twitter: lalagirl747
I will follow and add y'all back!!🦄💖

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