Chapter Seven

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I woke up to the smell of bacon. Melanie isn't in my arms like she was last night. I felt very alone without her. I look to her night stand and see it's 7:30.

So I decided to get up and take a quick shower. Melanie only has cherry scented soap. So I smell like a cherry rose. I wrap myself in her towel and walk out to her closet and grab my boxers and black fitted jeans with a white T-shirt.

It's laundry day so I get ready and take Melanie's sheets off her bed and replace them with new vintage pink sheets. I grab her clothes from yesterday and some of her other clothes and send them down the laundry shoot so her maid could wash them.

I grab my dirty clothes also and send them down. I finish making her bed and lay down. "So what do I do know." I ask myself and the door flies open "Well I would think you are hungry?" Melanie laughs as I fly off her bed to hide.

"Harry what are you doing?" She giggles. Oh how she giggles. She lights up my world. "I thought you were your mother." I chuckle softly and get up. "My parents left an hour ago, they won't be back till twelve. Oh and I also made some breakfast."

She smiles and walks over to me. She gives me a warm squeeze and a peck on the lips. "Your face looks better, I mean it doesn't looked as bruised as yesterday." I try to recover what I said. She laughs and shrugged it off.

"Let's go babe." She grabs my hand and tries to walk out but I grab her arm and pull her in so I could kiss her more. She was really shocked but kissed back so passionately. I love her lips on mine she makes me feel something electrifying. I wrap my hands around her waist and picked her up so her legs are wrapped around my torso.

She kisses down my neck and starts making small love bites. I moan softly and give her âss a tight squeeze. She gasps at the sudden motion and starts to attack my lips again. Why does she make me feel so good? I'm the luckiest guy on the planet. I always have loved her and I always will. I kiss back more roughly and she bites on my lip. She is so amazing, I can't wait to show her off to everyone.

"Uh um. You guys really need to shut the door. I don't want to see you guys swallowing each other." David says as he rubs his eyes and yawns. We start to laugh and I let Melanie down. "You shouldn't keep walking in on us." Mel grabs him into a hug. "Go get washed up, I made breakfast." She let's him go and he runs off saying "yaaay food!"

We start laughing, and walk to the kitchen. So I made pancakes, over medium eggs, potato cakes, biscuit and gravy, toast, sausage, ham and bacon. Oh and there is a breakfast casserole in the oven." she smiles bright. "Wow, you made all of that?" I chuckle and smile. "Yup" she pops the p and giggles. "Well are you hungry?" She laughs and grabs three plates and silverware. 

"Always." I laugh and start to serve my plate. "This looks so delicious Melanie. Who taught you how to cook?" I asked. "Believe it or not, my da-. Liam, Liam taught me how to cook." She looks down to her bare feet. "You mean your father." I look for any sign of hope that there relationship will restore. "No, I mean Liam." She sighs and looks up at me.

"Mel, you can't do this. I know what it's like to hurt and "hate" your dad but it's not right." I sigh and look down at my plate. "Oh so hitting your daughter is then." she screams slightly. She got angry very quickly and I'm scared there will be no way to help her not dislike her father. I need to make her understand that her dad loves her and care's for her even if he made a bad mistake. 

"I never said that Mel, what he did to you was very wrong, but still you have to restore your guy's relationship. He loves you, I know he does, just give him a chance to prove himself." I say sternly and look up to meet her eyes. A light gloss shines in her beautiful eyes, she is worth so much more than the salty tears. She nodded her head and says okay. 

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