Chapter Two

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I didn't know what to do. I stood there broken in thoughts. My heart was shattered into itty bitty pieces. Why would she do this? What's wrong? Why was I not here to protect her? Why didn't I notice this before? Did she barely start hurting her self or has this been going on for awhile?

I just stared at this girl that was so lost in her world that she had to take it out on her self. I came out of my deep thoughts, when I heard wimpiers of pain. Melanie was trying to clean herself up. I walked over to her slowly and tried to help her.

She was very hesitant about me helping but she ended up asking if I could wrap her arm with medical bandages. She hissed when I started to wrap her injured arm. It took every ounce of me to continue.

It hurt me so much to see her in so much pain. It reminded me of my sister Gemma. When I finally came to the end of covering her wounds with the bandage. I looked at her but she didn't look at me.

"Melanie look at me," I croaked. She didn't look at me, instead she walked to her washroom to clean her blade that created her bloody cuts. I turned off her music and walked towards her.

"Melanie please look at me and explain why you did this, please" I begged. She shook her head and looked the opposite way. "Baby, please tell me why, why did you do this, I won't judge you." I can't stand to see her like this.

My whole body felt numb. I start getting flashback from when I was taking care of Gemma but push the horrible memories aside. She doesn't deserve all this pain. She deserves to be happy. I thought to myself.

She slowly looks at me, all her make up washed away from her salty tears. Red shot eyes from all the crying. I don't know how but my heart broke even more than it was before, if that was possible.

"I-I'm sorry Harry, you shouldn't have seen me like this." She started to cry again. I pulled her into a hug making sure I didn't hurt her. I don't know if she cuts herself anywhere else.

She burried her face into the crook of my neck the tears rolling down staining her cheeks."Baby girl please give your explanation for all of this" I look down at her.

She stutters her words, "You left me,alone,on my birthday. You promised that you were going to be here, then you just bailed as well as all my so called friends. I thought you all hated me." Her tears streaming off her paled cheeks.

"Baby, I told them to cancel on your birthday because I had a special surprise party for you." Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, this is my fault, if I wouldn't have followed my plan, she wouldn't have hurt herself. I felt like a horrible person. How could I have done this to her? I asked myself.

"Baby I'm so sorry this was all my fault." She looked at me with a confused face. "This isn't your fault Harold. It was just uh an accident." she told me.

"Accident my ass, this is my fault and I'm sorry for making you do this to your self." I sternly told her. She was about to talk but she was looking really off balanced. She tried standing straight but couldn't keep her self standing.

I slid my arm around her waist and picked her up bridal style and walked her over to the big fluffy bed. I tucked her into the bed and told her to get some rest. She nodded, and slowly closed her eyes. As I walk to her closet I heard her ask if I could stay.

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