"Dean and Sam Winchester." Both brothers raised their eyebrows in surprise but the sheriff explained himself. "I'm very well aware of you two. Especially you Dean, you are after all, have a very gruesome criminal record."

Dean tensed a bit and said, "Yeah, actually, I'm not here to discuss my issues. I came here to talk to someone. Wait how'd you know we'd be here? We got a call from Stiles' dad that he wanted to see us."

The sheriff scoffed and shook his head. "I am his dad."

Both Dean and Sam gulped a little. Noah crossed his arms and stood between them and the doorway. "You do realize that Stiles has been self-conscious and frustrated because he couldn't understand why his own father and mother had abandoned him when he was barely an infant. Oh let's not forget that your hunters, I have my sources. Chris Argent filled me in. If you think I'll let you turn my son into a killer, you're wrong."

Dean sighed and spoke up with a serious tone, "Look, I've made many mistakes, giving up Stiles included, but I have to see him. I'm not trying to pull him away from you and I'm not trying to turn him into a hunter, I just want to have a peace of mind."

Sam looked at him, surprised by what Dean had just said. Dean spoke in his normal voice, but he could hear the sadness in it. Dean was the type of person who wouldn't have a shred of emotion reveal itself to strangers. However, in these circumstances, Dean had the right to at least shed a tear (which he did not do).

Mr. Stilinski exhaled as he stood there, studying Dean's tough act. Father to father, he could tell that Dean was desperate to see his son. Dean had this look of longing and regret as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. If only he had known that Stiles was suffering little by little by keeping this secret to himself. Mr. Stilinski could tell that Stiles had not told his friends about Dean Winchester being his real father. That's why he had asked Melissa to tell Scott to get here as quickly as possible in order to keep Stiles in check.

"Okay fine, just wait in the living room and I'll go and get him." The sheriff moved away from the door and allowed them to pass by. Sam thanked him and Dean walked in hastily and took in his surroundings. The house was pretty nice, a few papers were laid out in the kitchen table, and the living room had a few pictures of Stiles with this family. Dean walked up to one of the pictures where a younger looking Stiles was smiling widely and happily.

Sam walked into the living room and sat upon the couch next to Dean, who was still holding the picture in his hands. They heard a few knocks from the upstairs. "Go away!"

They heard Stiles yell from upstairs, the exhaustion and anger in his voice.

"Mieczysław Stilinski! Get your moody ass out of bed now! Or so help me God, I'll drag your ass outta there!"

Dean raised a brow once he heard that name. He turned towards Sam, "His name is Mieczyslaw? Is that name even legal?"

Sam rolled his eyes and they both continued to listen to the conversations up stairs. It was silent for a while, until they heard a boom. Both brothers flinched and heard Stiles and the sheriff talking.

"Sammy," Sam turned to his brother who laid the photo of younger Stiles on the coffee table, "There's something I need to ask you."

Dean leaned in close to Sam's ear and whispered something so quiet, that not even a mouse could hear. When he moved back, Dean had noticed the disapproving look on Sam's face. "No Dean, that's wrong on so many levels. I know that this beyond our control but we have to at least be honest for a second, do you really think this won't affect Stiles anymore than this situation does?"

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