"Here's the towel," a man, wearing a blue plain top, said and handed the green towel to Eric.

Eric grabbed the towel and quickly wrapped it tightly around me and the man then tapped him on the shoulder again and gave him another small towel which Eric placed on my lap for the time being. 

The people whispered and some sat beside me, asking if I was in need of anything. One man, who was wearing a grey shirt and blue shorts, nudged the lady next to him, who I presume is his wife. "I think he's a doctor," he said. "He's very good a CPR." 

Eric did CPR on me? Don't you need to be certifed to do that. 

The lady next to him nodded in agreement. "He is, indeed. She's very lucky to have such a handsome fella' who is a doctor." 

"Hey, I'm handsome," the man said, folding his arms and frowned. 

I almost laughed at their hilarious conversation. Looking around, I was guessing that every person here probably thought that Eric, the 'doctor', was my so called boyfriend. Can't two friends hang out together without having anyone thinking the wrong idea? 

I noticed one man, who stared at me, his eyes full of rage. He was in a pair of ripped jeans, blue shirt and over that he was wearing a black hoodie. His black hair was slightly resting on the left side of his head and there wa a knife shaped earrings were hanging off his left ear. He looked at me like he was going to kill me which made my heart pound painfully against my chest. He looked highly familiar. I shuddered and looked away. Strangely, when I glanced back up the man had disappeared as if he was never there. 

"We should get you some dry clothes to change into," Eric said. 

"B...but...We don't h...have any money," I trembled, forgetting about the man. He was probably just my imagination.

Eric sighed. "Your right." 

"I could just d-dry off," I suggested. 

"You might get pneumonia." 

I shrugged. 

The two little boys walked up towards us and held some money just next to our faces. I quickly glanced at Eric, who gave me a look, indicating that I should accept the money. I turned to the boys and shook my head. 

"Thank you," I said, "But I can't take money off you." 

"Why not?" one of them asked.

"Because..." my voice drained away, not sure of how to answer his question. 

"Honey," the twins' mum said, kneeling next to me. "Take it, please. We don't want you to die from freezing to death." She laughed a little to make it sound like a joke but I could hear the seriousness in her voice too. 


"It's okay, we honestly don't mind," she said calmly and nicely. 

Her kindness made me smile and I nodded my head. "Thank you so much. You are very generous but still you do not have to do this." 

"If a person needs some help, you should always try to help them, dear," she said. 

"I know what you mean," I replied. "Thank you so much." 

"I'm Susan Wesley," she introduced. "My husband is over there and my two boys, Simon and Rodger." 

I smiled at them. 

"Nice to meet you," I said. 

Slowly, people started to go back to what they were doing but some were still looking back at me. I sat on the grass, waiting for Eric to return. I couldn't help but to wonder about the boat incident. Nothing made sense. Just thinking about it made my head hurt. I feel as though, Eric knows something but perhaps isn't so sure if it's true or maybe he always has that look when he's worried. But the anger in his eyes was another question. Was he angry that I drowned or that he should have known that I was afraid of water? Or was it something else? 

Remember Me [F I N I S H E D - I S H - will be rewriting soon]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora