Chapter 33 (Finale)

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Btw, this will be a bit short. But you'll understand why soon. Or you saw the title off this chapter.

Today is the first official day of A-Con!! I was so excited, mainly because of the fact I can act more like a child than I already do and not get judged! It's amazing. I jumped out of bed with a happy start. My hair was array, and my eyes were still adjusting. But that was no reason not to be excited!

"Why are you so happy? It's only 8 in the morning." Travis groaned as he rolled over to face me. "What do you mean, 'it's only 8'? We have to leave by 9:30! So get your lazy butt up!" I cheered, got close to his face and lightly slapped the side of his face. Travis took the opportunity and gave me a kiss on the lips. "I love you. Don't ever leave me." He half whispered, his eyes still somewhat closed. "Trust me, I wont. I love you too." I said back and squeezed his hand before turning around and walking away.

~Nice little time skip!~

I buttoned up the shirt of my costume and looked at myself in the mirror. (Btw, costume at the top) I was going as Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tale. "I look good." I mumbled to myself. "Well, I can't deny that statement." A male voice said. I turned and saw Travis standing behind me. "How long have you been here?!" I asked nervously. "Don't worry. I just got here. Heard you talking to yourself. Wanted to see if you were okay. Or just crazy."

"Just crazy." I repeated and adjusted my skirt. He didn't say anything after that, he just stared at me. But not at the back of my head or me. I'll let your imagination figure that one out. "Stop staring!" I yelled and jumped around to face him. "Fine, I'll stop. But by the way sweatheart, there's still a mirror behind you." Travis said and pointed the tall mirror behind me. "Get out!" I yelled and pushed him out of the room. He laughed hysterically before putting his hands up and walking out of the room.

I huffed before shutting the door again. Though I was still angry, I couldn't help but feel the smile start to curl up on my lips and a weird feeling in my stomach. Maybe 4 months have passed since I moved here, but nothing has changed. I still get that giddy feeling in my stomach everytime he was around me. I love him. I really do. He's my world. He's my everything. It's weird to think about how much has changed. Who would think that I would fall in love with a Casanova? A cute one at that.

"C'mon Y/n! Get outta there! We need to leave, and there's no time for you to be reminiscing about your past!" Jaki's yelled from outside. I sighed and opened the door. Everyone was waiting for me outside. "Okay! Let's go!" Aphmau said and ran out the door. We all quickly followed.

I found myself lagging behind because of how my costume was shaped. Then out of almost nowhere, Travis appeared at my side. "Need help?" He asked with a smirk. "Piggy back ride?" I asked in a child's voice. Travis sighed and nodded. I quickly jumped on his back and rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you." I whispered in his ear. "I love you too." He replied as I kissed his cheek.

*Time skip!!!*

We all arrived in one big group to the main convention. Travis set me down and I tried to jump back on his back again. Looked to the corner of my eye and saw Katelyn twiddling her thumbs and stepping from side to side. I walked up and set a hand on her shoulder. "Katelyn, go be the geek you were born to be." I said. "Really?" She asked. I nodded with my eyes slightly squinted. She let out a girly squeal and bolted to the main entrance. 

"What did you say to her?" Aphmau asked. "I told her to be the geek she truly was." I said and put my hands on my hips. She just gave me a weird look and walked back to stand next to Aaron. I laughed. Yeah, I was weird. And I'll admit it!  "Come on, before you weird anyone else out. Or expose anymore geeky sides of people." Travis said, grabbed my hand and started to walk. 

"Fine. But ya gotta admit, it is fun." I admitted and shrugged my shoulders. I heard Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan start to squeal. "I SHIP IT!!" They said in unison. "Okay. Those two are the last people. I swear." I said and put my hands up. Travis just gave out a laugh. But as soon as I walked in, my eyes darted to a certain kiosk. 

It was all dedicated to F/a. "Travis." I mumbled at tugged on his sleeve. "Yes?" He answered. "Look." I said and pointed to the Kiosk. Travis let out a girly scream and darted to the direction i pointed to. I guess he was the last person to do that to.  I held my stomach tightly and started a laughing fit. I honestly couldn't breath."Y/n!" a female voice called. It came from just by the bathroom doors. At the mention of my name, I walked over. But no one was there. 

"Hello?" I spoke. "Welcome back." A voice whispered and dragged me into the out of order woman's room. I tried to scream, but there was a strong hand clasp over my mouth! I started to squirm, and kick my feet. "Shh. Go to sleep." The male voice said just before I collapsed to the floor. 
Hey guys! Wouldya look at that! Its the final chapter of my book. I know, I know. This is not the way to end a book. But I started a part 2! It's called Together Forever. GO READ IT!!!! Well, This is the last time I'll be signing off in this book. Cya guys!!!!! 

The New Girl On Mystreet (Travis x reader) {COMPLETED}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora