Chapter 24

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(I live for these jokes)
(Y/n)- your name
(L/n)- last name
(H/C)- hair color
(E/C)- eye color
(H/l)- hair length
(F/C)- favorite color
(S/f/C)- second favorite color
(F/f)- favorite food
(F/s)- favorite show
(F/b)- favorite band
(F/a)- favorite anime
(F/l)- favorite lunch
(C)- color
(F/f/p)- fast food place
I will update if there's anything new. I will also stop putting this up soon
~One week later~
(Y/n)'s pov
It's been about a week or so, and I've started to recover. I...think? I mean, I still have nightmares. But I did even before this whole thing. Thought I have been getting them way worse now. So bad to the point where sometimes I can't sleep. But I just try to ignore all of it as best as I can. I've been going out much more now! So I don't just sit in my bed anymore all day.

My plan for today was to just head out to go get food or something, but Travis thought otherwise since he didn't me to go alone. So I let him tag along as well.

We pulled up to a small food court in the city. (Do you guys want me to write like this so you can comment more?) it was somewhat packed and there were small lines at every food place.

As we walked in, Travis stopped. "I left my phone in the car, I'll be right back." He said. I nodded and smiled. He jogged off to the car that was at the end of the parking lot. I felt bad for him, but I am too lazy to go as well.

As Travis walked away, I stood at the front entrance, waiting for him to come back. "Hey, gorgeous." A mans voice spoke. I slowly turned and saw a man with light brown hair and eyes. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Can you help me with directions?" He asked.

"To where?" I asked a bit annoyed. "Do you know where I can find your phone number?". I looked at him blankly. "No. Now if you don't mind, could you leave me alone?" I said and turned back around.

"Feisty, now aren't we? I like that." Then I felt him wrap his arms around my waist from behind. Now I usually don't freak out often, but I just can't stand people like him. I understand Travis can be like that, but that's a bit different. I know him.

I quickly broke free from his grasp and looked him dead in the eye. "I swear, if you do that one more time, I will not hesitate to shove my foot up your a-" "Hey, babe." Travis' voice cut me off.

The guy was shocked from what I had said and looked at me wide-eyed. Travis grabbed my hand and glared at the man. "Is that your boyfriend?!" The guy asked. "Well, Yeah. Do you see me beating the crap out of him? Now, we'll be leaving." I said and forcefully turned around and walked away.

"Those kinds of people really make me angry." I grumbled to myself. "Who was that?" Travis asked. "I have no clue. He was being a total flirt, and I can only handle one Casanova. Not in a bad way." I replied. "It's fine. You know what will make you feel better?" Travis asked. "What?" I asked. "How about we get food, take the food home and watch anime." He suggested. "Heck yeah! Let's go!" I said happily.

I grabbed Travis' hand and dragged him along to (f/f/p). My mood had defiantly lifted and there wasn't even the slightest bit of anger left. We waited in line to order.
~The tiniest time skip ever!~
Once we got our food and a few other things for the guys, me and Travis both hopped In his car and we started to drive home. "Can I ask you something?" Travis asked. "Sure. What is it?" I answered. "I won't be mad if you say no to this, because of everything that has been happening. But would you like to go on a date with me? We are going to the arcade with everyone else." He said.

"That sounds fun! I'll go. Why wouldn't I?" I agreed and giggled. "Okay! It is going to be tomorrow at like five." He said happily. "You know, I realized that you always choose the weirdest times to ask me out on a date. Like the first time, I was at work having a panic attack. The second time, we were literally sitting in my house. (I didn't mention that) And this time, we are in your car." I said and smiled a bit.

"Haha. Yeah, I do. Don't I?" Travis said, embarrassed. "But it's nice. I like how you really don't care." I said and grabbed his hand. He smiled at me.
~A slightly bigger time skip!! Brought to you by... I don't know!~
We pulled up to Travis' house and stepped out of the car. We had decided to go to his house since we are always at mine. I grabbed the bags of food and stepped in the house, followed by Travis.

"Ohiyoo!!!!" I yelled. "(Y/n)? Is that you?" Dante's voice echoed through the house. "The one and only!" I answered. I turned around to say something to Travis, when I was tackled to the ground! A puff of dark blue hair was the only thing I could see, and the floor.

"Dante! What was that for!" I yelled and pushed him off me. "I haven't seen you in forever!" He said happily. "You saw me the other day. And if it means that much, why don't you just come over to my house?" I asked and looked at him blankly. "I guess your right. But what are you doing here?" He asked. "

"Just hanging out. We got food and we were going to just watch anime." I answered and stood up. "FOOD?!" Three voices yelled in unison. Garroth and Laurance both migrated from their rooms.

"Did someone say food?" Laurance spoke. "I did. And don't worry, we got you guys some too." I said and tossed all three of them some food from the bag. "Good. We might have had to kill you guys for it." Garroth said. Then they both slowly walked back into their rooms.

Me and Travis looked at each other confused. Then we both started laughing. I walked over and sat down on the couch and turned on (f/a). "Yes! I love this show!" Travis yelled and jumped over the back of the couch, landing on my stomach. I laughed and pushed him off me. He hugged me and kissed my cheek before sitting up straight and starting to eat his food.
Hey hey hey!! I finally was able to update! Sorry it took so long though. But to make it up, I have planned something good for the next chapter! See you all in the next chapter! Goodbye all my temmies!!😸

The New Girl On Mystreet (Travis x reader) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now