Chapter 20

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(I'm craving sushi so badly rn)
(Y/n)- your name
(L/n)- last name
(H/C)- hair color
(E/C)- eye color
(H/l)- hair length
(F/C)- favorite color
(S/f/C)- second favorite color
(F/f)- favorite food
(F/s)- favorite show
(F/b)- favorite band
(F/a)- favorite anime
(F/l)- favorite lunch
(C)- color
I will update if there's anything new
(Y/n)'s pov
Once Hannah and Atali had left, I had to head off to work. Ugh, work sucks. But I have my friends as well. So I got changed into my maid outfit, kissed Travis goodbye and left for work. I only have four hours of work, that's not bad. Right?

Travis' pov
(Y/n) left for work and I was left to myself. The silence was consuming everything around me. Or in other words, I was bored or of my mind. So I walked upstairs into (y/n)'s room and looked around. Then I saw a (s/f/c) book slightly sticking out from under her bed. I pulled out the book and saw it had a bright (c) sticky note on it. 'Do not touch!' It read. I just shrugged my shoulders and tried to open the journal, but there was a lock on the side. I started to search for the key. Is this creepy?
I had literally spent 20 minuets looking for they key, till I found it underneath (y/n)'s T.V. I wonder how long it took her to find that spot. I took the key and walked back over to (y/n)'s bed and sat down. I unlocked the book and saw it was a... diary? It looked as if this thing was used for years. The spine was majorly broken, pretty much all of the pages had been used, and there was a huge difference in handwriting from the beginning and end. I didn't want to be too creepy so I only looked inside the journal a bit. I came across the page that had been the newest one.
'August 26, 2022.

I saw Liam today. He's back and I didn't have any doubts about it either. I saw him on the side walk not too far away from my house. I am pretty sure he didn't see me, hopefully he didn't. I was scared out of my mind! I was in a huge pile of people after getting groceries, and I saw him walking towards me. It looked as though Liam looked straight at me, but I kept my head down and walked fast to keep pace with everyone. Maybe he only saw the other people. Wouldn't that be nice. I didn't tell anyone about this. And I don't plan on it, ever. I didn't even tell Travis. I feel horrible about it. I can tell he cares about me and is just trying to help, but I don't want him to get involved. It is my problem and I should sort it out myself. No one else should. I got myself into this whole mess, so I can get out of it. I can hide this all from everyone, it's pretty easy actually. Just keep a smile on my face, and don't get too distracted by other things. See? Simple. I've been doing it for years, and no one has saw through it. Not even my own brother. But it should always stay that way. It's just stupid. Maybe if I were to actually open up and told someone, I wouldn't be like this. But it's too late for that, now isn't it? Well, that's all I have to say for today. See ya later.'

By the time I finished reading, I had tears in my eyes. She's been suffering this whole time, and didn't say anything. How far did she think he was going to go? I didn't even have a single clue of what was happening. But I could see (y/n) was acting a bit off the other day.
I walked inside (y/n)'s and saw that she was just sitting on the couch, watching fairy tale. She turned around and gave me a small smile. I sat down next to her and saw that her eyes were a bit red. "H-Hey." (Y/n) said with a small hint of nervousness in her voice. "Hey! Whatcha doing?" I asked looking at (y/n). "Oh. Just watching tv." She said and looked to the screen. I could tell she was a bit off, but I ignored it. "So what did you do today?" I asked. "Oh, I went and got groceries. That's about it." She said quietly. I squinted my eyes and looked at her. "What?" She asked nervously. "Nothing." I said.
~Flashback end~
I am a horrible person. I just ignored what was actually happening to her. I didn't even see! I truly am a bad person. Maybe I should do something for her. Like the time I made her cookies. I walked downstairs and looked inside the cupboards. There was a huge amount of baking supplies. I was planning on making cookies again. I looked up how to make sugar cookies and got out all the supplies I needed.
I only had an hour left and I was freaking out! Then the oven beeped. I took the tray of cookies out and set them on the counter. An amazing aroma exploded out of oven and spread through the whole house.
Once the cookies cooled off, I started to decorate them with pastel frosting and different colors of sprinkles. When I was done, I only had 10 minuets left before (y/n) would get home. I quickly rushed around and cleaned up the mess I made of the kitchen. I then set the cookies on a white plate. Then the front door opened. I quickly ran over and hugged (y/n) tightly. "Travis! Are you okay? And why do you smell like.. cookies?" (Y/n) said confused and pulled away from the hug. I grabbed he hand brought her to the couch and made her sit down. "Travis! What are you doing?!" (Y/n) yelled. I grabbed the plate of cookies and brought them to the living room. "I made cookies!" I said happily and set the plate on the coffee table. I sat down next to her and hugged her from the side. "Calm down. Why are you so uppity?" She asked and held on to my shoulders to calm me down. "Hahaha. Sorry. I just got ahead of myself." I said sheepishly. (Y/n) just smiled and laughed. She picked up a cookie and tried it. "This is amazing! Thank you!" She said happily and hugged me. "Welcome! But can I ask you something?" I asked. "Shoot!" She said happily. "Have you been okay lately? You've been acting really off." I said and grabbed (y/n)'s hand. "W-What? I-I'm fine." She said nervously and put a smile on her face. "No you're not. Could you please tell me?" I asked worriedly. "I-It's nothing, really. Now, I am going to go upstairs and change. Okay?" (Y/n) said and walked upstairs to her room.

(Y/n)'s pov
Why is Travis acting so weird? I walked into my room and saw that my diary was on my bed, opened. I rushed over, nervously and looked at it. It was opened on my last page. If Travis was the only one home.. then he looked through my diary!! It was on the page about Liam! Is this why he was acting so weird? I locked up the diary and slid it into my nightstand, which I locked up as well. I got changed into my green hoodie and black leggings. I quietly walked downstairs and saw Travis was sitting on the couch, stuck in his thoughts. I slowly crept behind him, and hugged him from behind. "You don't have to worry about me so much. I am fine, I really am." I whispered to him. "What?" Travis said. "You aren't as sneaky as you thought, you left my diary on my bed. And you left it open." I said quietly. A look of embarrassment spread across Travis' face. "Heh. About that.." Travis said nervously. "It's fine. I see that you're just trying to help." I said and sat down next to him. I grabbed a cookie and nibbled on it. Travis kissed my cheek. I finished my cookie and looked at him. I kissed him on the lips quickly and rested my head on my shoulder. "Aww. That's it?" Travis whined. "Well, what about earlier?" I said and poked his face. "Exactly. That's what I was talking about. And I made you cookies!" He said and poked my face as well. "Come here ya big goof." I said and cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss. Travis kissed back and put his arms around my waist. I could feel him smile In the kiss. I loved moments like this. I put my Hand on his neck and played with the ends of his hair. I pulled away from him. "There. Are you happy?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Travis smirked "Yes, very much." He said and faced the screen while grabbing a cookie.
Ooo! Sorry it took me awhile to make this! And also sorry if this story is kinda boring! I promise, I am getting there! Thank you to all that have read my story! See you all In the next chapter! Goodbye all my temmies!😸

1600 words

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