Chapter 31

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(This is why I am a disappointment)
By the way, since no one has commented on my OC Contest, JakiScanlon was picked because she was driving me crazy!!!
(Y/n)'s pov
~Two week time skip~
         Today is the day we are leaving for  A-Con!!! I'm so excited!! I had packed all my costumes, clothes, and other supplies the day I got my ticket!!! I couldn't wait! And now, I was rushing around the house happily, too impatient to sit down."(Y/n)! What are you doing?!" I heard Travis yell as I sprinted past the kitchen and saw him digging through my snack cabinets. "I'm So happy for A-Con!" I yelled and started to jump up and down.

"I can tell." He said as I started to run circles. "I just have too much energy!!" I yelled and started to run again. "(Y/n)!! Please stop running! You're going to hurt yourself!" Travis yelled and started to chase after me. "I'm not going to-Oof!" I half yelled as I tripped up the stairs. "I told you." He said and saw me face first on the ground. "Oh, shudup." I mumbled into the floor.

"Are you at least okay?" Travis asked a bit nervously. "Eh, sorta. Well, maybe not." I said and rolled onto my back as put my hands in the air. Travis grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. "Why are you such a klutz?" Travis asked I continued to walk up the stairs. (that almost auto corrected to cult... Send help). "I don't know. But I'm your klutz." I said and disappeared into my bedroom to find my luggage.

~Smole time skip!~

Once I had grabbed all of my luggage, and had some pancakes, (Oh god, now I want some pancakes. Send help!) We were ready to leave! But right as I was about I walk outside, I heard an unfamiliar female voice. "But where is she?" The voice asked. "She should be here any minuet now. She usually is on time." I heard Dante's voice say. Wait, the voice sounds a bit familiar. I stepped out onto the sidewalk and saw a girl with black hair and vibrant green eyes.

"Jaki! Your here!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and tackled the girl. It was my adopted sister, Jaki Scanlon. I haven't seen her in years! We both stood up and were laughing hysterically. Once we finally calmed, Dante, Laurance, Garroth, Aphmau, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan were all looking at us. "I should introduce. So everyone, this is Jaki. Jaki, this is everyone." I introduced. Everyone said there hellos and Jaki pulled me to the side.

"So, who's that cute one over there? The one with the white hair?" Jaki asked and motioned to Travis. I stomped on her foot, and luckily she was wearing sandals. "That's my boyfriend. But thanks anyways." I said, a bit angrily. "Oh. Sorry. Good job on getting the cute one. Unlike your last boyfriend. What happen to him anyways?" Jaki asked. We all had worried expressions, remembering the last day I saw him. "I-I'll tell you later." I said nervously and shoved my luggage into the back of a car.

"Okay. Anyways, Here are the driving situations. Travis and (Y/n), You two will be in the car with the suitcases since you two just can't be separated. Me, Aaron, Laurance, Garroth and Jaki will be in the next car. And Finally, Katelyn, Lucinda, Kawaii~Chan, Dante and Zane!" Aphmau happily finished. We all nodded and disbursed into our own cars. "It was kinda cool that we got to have our own car." I stared as I climbed into the passenger seat. "Well. I did also annoy Aphmau till she let us have this." Travis admitted as he clicked the seat buckle into place. "Aww! Thanks!" I said in a cheery voice and hugged him and kissed his cheek. A light shade of pink flowed across his cheeks. I loved when he would do this.

"O-Okay! Let's go to A-Con!" Travis said and started to drive. "Yay!" I yelled and threw up my hands.

~little driving time skip!!~

We arrived outside of the hotel with all of the other cars. Me and Travis stepped out and started to unload the luggage. "Hey guys!" Jaki said and ran over to my side. "Hey sis. What's up?" I asked and looked to her. "Oh nothing. I just want my luggage to use my computer. This place has free wifi!" Jaki said and snatched her suitcase. I just laughed as she ran in with Aphmau. "Is she always like this?" Travis asked. "Yep. Indulged in her phone and always overly excited." I stated.

"So like you?" He stated. "Exactly." I said before walking inside. I could hear him start laughing as I walked away. I shook my head and started to check in.

~Another time skip cuz why not!!~

Once we checked in and got our assigned rooms, I practically dove onto my bed and just laid there for a moment. I was so tired! I don't think anything has ever tired me out as much as this. I didn't even do much of anything! I started to doze off when I felt the other side of the bed sink in just a bit. "Hey." Travis' voice spoke as he kissed the top of my head. "Hello." I mumbled and turned to face him. Then I rested to head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso. "Tired huh?" He asked and poked my cheek. "Very much so. I don't even know why." I stated and looked up at him. "Well, I just want you to know, Aph was gunna take us to Taco Bell. I can get you something if you don't want to go.

"Yes please. Thank you." I thanked and rolled over to the other side. "Welcome. Goodnight princess." Travis said calmly, before giving me a quick kiss and leaving the room. I said a small goodbye and closed my eyes, The warmth of the covers consuming me as I slowly started to drift off into sleep. See ya, my Knight in shining armor.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did! And sorry it took me so long to update... Well, yet again, go follow JakiScanlon for her and her great stories! See ya in the next chapter! Goodbye all my temmies!!🖤

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