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We sat there, in the playground adjacent from each other.

The rest of our friends were at a picnic table here at the park, but we had moved away, to have some privacy. It was the last day of school, and we decided to come to the park after school, as a last memory to make for that school year.

You held my hand in yours. Your blue sweater protecting me from the breeze.

Your brown eyes gazed into mine, and mine to yours.

"What if one day we get married and have lots of kids?", you broke the silence with your perfect smile. The words surprising me.

I don't quite remember the rest of that conversation, but you and the rest of the guys left to buy snacks. When you came back, you gave me a Hershey's bar. And we held hands as we ate the candy bar, talking more about our future, none of it woukd come true. Even though we were so young, and oblivious to the real world, I loved you. In a innocent and stupid sort of way. In a, I was hurting deep inside and you were the only thing to make me happy at the time, sort of way.

And I don't know if the candy had any significance to you as it had to me. Because for the next 2 years, I bought you Hershey's whenever we rekindled.

To me the Hershey's bar was an image of us. It meant we were together, it was something of ours. Yet this whole time, I'm not sure if you thought I was just buying you some random candy.

But when you helped me with my self harm, and even when you pushed me away as much as you could, the Hershey's meant something to ME.

When I think of Hershey's i think of your face, the brown hair and the perfect smile despite never having braces. I think of the good times. And the many more frequent bad times. You were, what i called, my treasure. The gold in the middle of a wreck.

I hate Hershey's now. It has been almost 5 years since then, and now I hate Hershey's.

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