Being Jayne Collin's Daughter - Chapter 13

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ok so im definatly over my stupid little pathetic ex and i have returned from my little partying get-over-him weekend and i must admit my flirty confident old self has definately returned ;D anywayss hope you enjoy this chapter <3 Cazza xxx


Chapter 13

Star's P.O.V

i opened my eyes to the feeling of being walked about on, suddenly this lizard's face popped up in front of memaking me smile

"morning Tia"

i chuckled and watched as she continued to wander about, i managed to slowly sit up, i looked about remembering i was in jays flat. I picked my phone up of the floor and saw i had 4 new messages. i opened up the first one

Mum - tell me when your coming home sweeite, im getting worried xxx

i quickly typed a reply

Star - sorry mum, i sorta fell asleep, i'll be home soon xxx

i sent that and opened up another one

Tom - please talk to me star, im sorry i screwed up, love you missy xx

i sighed and clicked reply

Star - its fine, im still upset about it but we'll speak later, love ya too tom-tom xx

i sent that and looked at the next one

Nathan - hey.. can we talk please?? xx

i sighed and didnt know what to say so i looked at the last one

Nathan - guess not.. x

i paused, there was a gap of about half an hour between the messages, i looked at the time, it was only 7 and was stil fairly dark outside, i clicked reply

Star - we can talk, just not now.

i sent that and put my phone back on the floor, i knew he would reply straight away but i didnt really want to speak to him yet. in fact the more i thought about him the more terrible i felt, i held back the tears as i pulled back the blanket and picked up neytiri.

I slowly began to walk upstiars, i could hear a faint noise and proceeded with caution. When i reached jays room i slowly opened the door and looked in, he was still fast asleep half on the bed, half off it.

I smiled and walked over to him, he was snoring lightly and his curly hair was everywhere. I put neytiri down on the floor and she crawled under the bed, before slowly pulling back jays sheet. He stirred but stayed asleep as i climbed in with him and snuggled into his chest.

He jumped slightly but relaxed when he realised it was me, he moved over so i could get comfortable, he fidgeted about even more until we were lying next to each other anf our faces were level, he gave me a faint morning smile and i gave him one back

"you ok twinkle-toes?"

i nodded slowly but then shook my head

"nathan text me this morning"

i felt his body tense up so i put my head on his chest and shook my head

"its fine, it was nothing bad, he just wanted to know if me and him could talk"

"and what did you say?"

"i said yeah but not now"

he nodded slowly, a yawn slipped out of my mouth and jay did the same, we both laughed adn he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer

Being Jayne Collin's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now