Being Jayne Collin's Daughter - Chapter 4

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btw at this part im saying that the boys have only just finished recording chasing the sun and this chapters going to be them filming it :) enjoyy!! :) <3 Cazza xxx ps the picture is what the boys are wearing when Star meets them later xxx


Chapter 4

Star's P.O.V

i woke up to my mum opening my curtains, i grumbled and looked at the clock.. 4:55!! i shot up and glared at her

"seriously mum!?"

she turned and nodded

"yes sweetie, i thought you wanted to come along to the boys recording their new video, they need the sunrise"

i sighed and flopped back down and she giggled

"i guess i'll just have to tell nathan that you couldnt be bothered then" she said slyly, i sighed heavily and she just laughed and walked out saying

"i'll see you in a few then"

i tryed to hide a laugh, she knew shed won it and so did i. I pulled myself out of bed and walked over to my wardrobe, i decided to wear a pair of leggings and a long dress/top, i took a shower and got changed before walking downstairs, the babysitter for Angel had just arrived and my mum grabbed a few snacks and put them into a bag before we both kissed Angel goodbye and walked out and to the car.

When we were in she was about to start the car when she stopped and turned to me

"star i need you to promise me something and i need you to stick with it"

i saw the sincerity in her eyes and nodded slowly

"i dont want you dating nathan yet ok?"

i paused, how did she know? even though id only known him a day it felt like longer, so much longer. But i nodded slowly


she smiled and nodded and turned back to the car, we started driving and she carried on

"im fine with the two of you being together, nathans such a nice lad and you would be a lovely couple but considering your situation with the baby and his with his fans im not ready to put you through that yet"

i nodded slowly

"ok mum, i promise"

she smiled and nodded

"good girl"

About 20 minutes later and we pulled up outside this massive building, it looked really old but effective at the same time, we went indoors and a security man guided us upstairs until we were on the roof with everyone else.

My mum pointed out the boys to me and i walked over to them whilst she spoke with the man who was directing the video.

Jay was the first to see me coming and tapped nathan on the shoulder and pointed to me, he turned and his face light up when he saw me walking over, he got up and rushed over to me, giving me a hug and twirl when he reached me.

When he put me down the other boys had came over and i gave them all a hug in turn and then stepped back to analyse their outfits. (A/N to the right)

They all looked gorgeous to be honest but i secretly thought nathan looked best but i didnt exactly say that.

The make-up team came over to them and tryed dragging them away but they grabbed my arms and pulled me along too, after all their faces were made up and hair was perfectly placed the guys moved into position and filming their new video began...

Being Jayne Collin's Daughterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن