8: Train

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"Okay, so what's happening now that you're here? Do you want him to stay or go back to Seoul?" My brother asks.

"We were kinda wanting him to go back to Seoul." Hoseok says.

"In that case, it's time to talk about a few things." My brother says, pulling up a chair from the kitchen and sitting down.

I sat there playing with my hands in my lap waiting for my brother to say something.

"We don't have all day." Yoongi says with a sigh as he leans his head back.

"Feel free to get out of my house any time Yoongi." My brother spits back.

I stopped breathing for a moment. "You do know Yoongi is a few years older than you, be formal." Namjoon says.

"Formality is nothing when it comes to things like this."

The Hyungs were just as surprised as I was at my brother's form of speech.

"Okay, why are we still just sitting here, are we going to talk or not?" Jin says with an annoyed tone. I knew Jin was getting angry at my brothers actions.

"Jungkook will go back to Seoul with you but you will respect him. Understand?"

Hoseok laughed a little. "Are you really giving us orders?"

"Does it sound like I'm telling a joke?"

"We get it. Can we go before we miss the first train?" Jimin speaks up.

"What about his face?" Tae says looking at me.

"We have make-up here." My brother says walking into our Mother's room.

"Hyung, Eomma doesn't want me using it." I say following him.

"Only around your eyes."

I nod my head knowing I will have a mask to cover most of my face. My brother gave me some cream for coverage. I sat down looking into the mirror and started applying the make-up. My brother stood behind me watching me in the mirror.

"It's weird watching my little brother... put make-up on."

I laughed a little. "I don't like it but I've got used to it over the years, I learned to do somewhat an okay job of doing it myself."

My brother nodded his head and put the make-up I was using back in my Mother's bag. He pulled out a black mask from his pocket and put it on my face.

"Does it look like I got my ass kicked?"

He laughed. "It's going to happen again if you use that language in my presence."

I smiled and walked back out into the room where the Hyungs standing and ready to leave.

"Let's go before me miss the train." Jimin says looking at the time on his phone.

I turned back to my brother and looked at him. He looked at me and nodded his head. I put my arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug, he hugged back and patted my back. "Come back home whenever." He whispered in my ear. I squeezed tighter and let go.

"I feel bad for Eomma. I didn't get to tell her goodbye." I say picking up my bags and walking out the door.

"She was just happy to see you. She'll be fine." My brother says back.

"Goodbye Hyung." I bow.

"Bye Dongsan." He says with a smile and closes the door.

We were walking down the road away from the houses to the main street where we can get a taxi. The walk was unsettling and quite.

We got into a taxi and drove to the train station, got our tickets and got on the train 2 minutes before it left back to Seoul. There were no fans running around, I'm sure they didn't think we would come to Busan and leave within an hour.

There were not many people getting on the train, everyone was already at work or school. We sat away from everyone. I sat in the corner with my bags next to me. Jin sat two seats in front of me with Namejoon, they were talking. Yoongi was laying on two seats with his arm over his face, sleeping. Hobi and Taehyung were playing on their phone in the seats across from Yoongi. Jimin sat across from me and was watching me. We made eye contact and we didn't look away.

"What are you looking at?" I say in a soft voice to make it seem less rude.

"I'm looking at you." He spits back. "What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at you, looking at me." I argue back.

"Stop looking at me."

"Then you stop looking at me."

"I'm angry with you."

"Why? I did nothing to you."

Jimin leaned into the aisle closer to me. "We're in Busan Jungkook, I wanted to see my family but I couldn't because of you." 

"You didn't have to come with the Hyungs to get me. None of you had to come and get me."

"Don't think any of us wanted to come get you in the first place Jungkook, we had to come get you. If we didn't, we would have been in trouble like you when we get back to the dorm. You hold the team back. All you do is cause problems."

It hurt when Jimin said that. I wanted to go back home but I can't, it's too late now. I stared at Jimin and turned in my seat looking out of the window, in the reflection of the window Jimin had a grin on his face like he was satisfied with his words knowing he got in my head. I wanted to cry but I held it in. I don't know if the things Jimin was saying were true or not but it still hurts.


Lost in Seoul (J.J.K) BTS FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora