17: Thank You

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I walked into the Kitchen where Jin was cooking Breakfast. He had me sit down and he set a plate full of food in front of me also sliding a cup of juice my way.


I gasp a little and look down in my lap.

"What's wrong Jungkookie?" Jin asked me.

"Hyung," I whisper. "I, I drank so much alcohol, I know I shouldn't because I'm underage but I just took whatever was given to me."

"It's okay Jungkook, you won't get in trouble."

I sigh out in relief and took a bite of my food. Jin walked away after giving me some water and drinking the juice himself. I don't want any colored drinks for a while.

"Jungkook we have to take you to the police station." Manager Sejin says.

I nod my head as I finish off the last of my food and follow Sejin out of the door and into the car. We drove to the station and walked in, Sejin never leaving my side knowing I'm a little uneasy. We wait a minute and soon enter an office, this was nothing like an interrogation room I expected to be in.

"Hello again Sejin and nice to meet you Jungkook, I'm Officer Kim" He greets us, I bow. "Please take a seat." He motions to the two lounge chairs in front of his desk. "I'm going to ask you a few questions about Lee Sori. What is the last thing you remember about her?"

"She stabbed me." I blankly answer.

"Did she do anything outside of the practice room?"

"She was gone when I left." I explained everything that happened after I left the practice room. Talking with the trainees, my walk home, what I saw, what I did, who I met. I knew I was with a stranger and I should leave but I never did until I woke up and ran.

The Officer wrote down all the information I told him. "So no other information on Sori but now we know what happened after you left."

I sat there waiting for the Officer to finish writing. 'How does everyone know about the practice room?' The thought popped into my head.'I never told anyone.' "How did you know about Sori and I?" I ask.

"The boys left a camera on in the room before they left. They said they knew something was going to happen." Sejin answered. I nod.

"That's the other thing Jungkook. We have the full recording, would you like to release it to find Sori faster, this would also be added to an explanation on your disappearance."

I look at Sejin for an answer. "Your choice, if you say yes then this video will be released along with an explanation. Your fans will know what Sori did and what you did after leaving BigHit."

'ARMY will know about me drinking underage and the drugs. But they can't blame me, I had no control over my actions.' "Post it." I say.

On our way back to the dorm Sejin made a call telling the person who updates BigHit's site to post the video and explanation.

Sejin and I walked down the hall to the dorm. Hyungs were there playing on their phones or watching T.V.

"You're trending on Twitter." Taehyung says. "You made it on the news too."

"I figured I would be." I say in a low voice.

Sejin's phone rang and he walked away to another room leaving me awkwardly standing in the middle of the room not knowing what to do next.

"Here," Yoongi speaks up and hands me a phone box. "iPhone X."

"H-Hyung, I was just going to buy one." I say trying to return the box in my hands. "You use it."

"I already have one." He says holding his up.

"Oh, okay. Thank you, Hyung." I pull the box to myself and walk to the Dining room to activate my new phone.

"They found Sori." Sejin says coming from the hall.

'That was fast.' I say to myself and nod my head.

Sejin: "ARMY found her to be specific, the video has only been out for half an hour."

"ARMYs are amazing, I love them." Jimin says.

"Jungkook you should post a video or picture, some are asking questions." Namjoon says as he scrolls down his phone screen.

"What type of questons?"

"If you're really back or not. If you're okay. Why you didn't fight back in the video." Namjoon list off.

I took my new phone and walked to the corner of the Living room and held up my arm to get my face in the frame and the seven body's sitting on the couches behind me. "Hyungs." I say to get their attention. They all look over and instantly smile, hold up peace signs or hearts. One hid their face. "Manager-min, just get in the picture. ARMYs know it's you even if you're blurred out." He laughed and smiled for the shot.

I posted on Twitter saying 'Thank You' and 'I Love You' to all the ARMYs. I then went to FanCafé and answered why I didn't fight back in the video, it was because I was too shocked to know what was happening. I said I was okay and safe when I was gone, but did horrible actions and was terribly sorry.

After I posted and let all ARMY know I was okay and safe back home I sat next to Jimin on the couch with the Hyungs and watched BigBang on 'Weekly Idol' and talked about their success in the music industry.

Sejin told us that practice was canceled for a week and for us to just stay in the Dorm and stabilize our team then he left to go home.

The day went by fast as all I did was watch T.V. and play SuperStar BTS on my phone before it gets released to the world and ARMYs get better at the game than myself.

Jin made dinner. We all sat down together to eat as a family instead of eating wherever.

"Jungkook I need you to eat all this." Jin says. "You need to gain your muscle back so you're healthy."

I nod and continue eating listening to the small conversations going around the table.

I stopped and watched. "Hyungs, who set that camera up in the practice room?" I blurred out.

"Yoongi Hyung did." Jimin answers.

I look to Yoongi. "Why?"

He put his fork down and looked up at the ceiling before looking back at me. "I was in the room when she thought it was you, Jimin, and Taehyung just in there, I heard what Sori said. She yelled at us for taking a break and you for trying to gain your strength back. She poured water all over you. Knowing you, I knew you would push her to her limits because she did that and I had a feeling she was going to do something from the article we read about her." Yoongi answers.

I nod. "Thank you."


Lost in Seoul (J.J.K) BTS FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin