Build a Tower Of Coffee Mugs

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T/w: insomnia? Idk it's fluff tho.

Relationship status: friends

--- no ones pov ---

No one noticed.

Not for a while.

Sure, they noticed the bags under Colby's eyes and the lack of motivation and energy. Whenever they asked what was wrong he'd just reply that he was tired. Which was the truth, he really was. He'd been getting maybe an hour of sleep every two weeks when he passed out.

Because extreme insomnia was a pain in the ass.

Today was different. When Sam went down stairs he came face to face with a strange image.

Corey was holding back laughter as he too watched, his camera hidden around the corner filming.

Colby was in the spotlight, sitting on the bench messing with something. A pile of nearly twenty coffee mugs were set up in the form of a pyramid, all obviously used and had brown coffee stains rimming the surface.

"Uh..." Sam wasn't sure what to say, how would know what to say after walking into this? Very slowly he turned to Corey. "Is this a bit for your vlog?

"No, bro." He answered back quietly. "Came down five minutes ago to him downing a cup of coffee in seconds and adding it to his pile. It was even funnier when I talked to him so I had to film it."

"What do you mean funnier when you talk to him?" Sam asked, watching Colby continue to do.. something. Honestly it looked like he was going to make poison and blow everyone up.

"Dude just..." Corey gave him a small shove in the direction of the caffeinated brunette.

"Hey Colby?" Sam asked.

Immediately, Colby's head snapped up. So fast in fact the he nearly toppled backwards. His lips immediately curved into a smile.

"SAM!" He said loudly, jumping slightly at the volume of his own voice before laughing. "Hey Sam, how you doing Sam? Sam the man?"

The blue eyed brunette processes to giggle hysterically at what he'd said, not in an insane way. More of a way someone would after having their wisdom teeth removed and they're high on painkillers.

"Uh huh." Sam repressed a laugh, noting how unbelievably adorable the boy looked at that moment, despite how out of it he was. "What are you doing?"

Immediately his smile stretched wider and he gestured to the coffee mug pyramid. "BEHOLD! My greatest invention!"

"Yeah, it's great." Sam said slowly, concerned for the health of the boy in front of him if he drank all of that. "How... much coffee did you have?"

"Hmm?" Colby finally looked him in the eye without them darting off in different directions. His pupils were so big you could barely see any of the blue. Underneath his ocean blue eyes were dark purple bags that stood out against his tan skin. "Well I had two coffees for each mug so maybe a hundred, maybe forty, it really is a mystery. I like mysteries, you do too don't you Sam? Remember in school with that teacher?"

He spoke so fast and his words were so slurred that it took a few seconds for Sam to fully understand what he'd said.

"Ok. I think you need sleep, not coffee." Sam concluded.

"Mhmm, thatsssthe thing Sam Sammy, I can't." He slipped off the bench and onto his feet, nearly toppling over instantly. He took one shaky step to the fridge and tugged it open, pulling out a can of something before hopping uptown his bench.

Sam was about to continue when he saw what Colby was about to do and froze. Completely mesmerised by how stupid what he was about to do was.

With an already half empty cup of coffee in front of him, he got the can of RedBull he'd taken from the fridge. With fumbling fingers he popped the top and poured half into the mug.

"Hey Colbs that's really not a good idea..." Sam began, ignoring Corey who was practically pissing himself laughing silently.

"Nah sammy Sam it's all good, all Gucci, I've had like a billion of there and I'm still breath. I'm breathing and I think my hearts still beating so that's a good thing so this can't be that bad all be fine. Oh hey do you know that in Australia the people say 'she'll be right' for when something will be fine like if something caught on fire or you're dying inside they'll just be like eh she'll be right why don't we do that here?"

Colby's face was almost purple after he pushed out that sentence on one breath. Sam caught none of it, except for the "I'll be ok" lie.

"Nope. No I'm sorry Colb's but it's time for bed." Sam shook his head, generally concerned for his safety right now.

"You can't tell me what to do! You're not my mum! And from what I know you don't have a daddy kink so you're not my daddy either!" Colby laughed hysterically at his joke, falling to his side and laughing till his face was blue.

Sam just rolled his eyes, cheeks burning. Obviously he wasn't getting anywhere with asking, so he wasted no time to walk over and grab the surprisingly light boy.

Carrying him bridal style, the blonde struggled slightly to carry him past Corey (who was close to pissing himself laughing) and up the stairs to Colby's bedroom. All the while, the insomniac tiredly slurred random things from Sam kidnapping him to bad dad jokes.


"Don't go..." Colby cried out shyly when Sam began leaving his bedroom. It'd been a slight struggle to force the coffee and red bull full, hyperactive, sleep deprived child to change into some baggy pants. But Sam managed to do it.

And now he never wanted to have kids. Because if an adult was like that, carrying for a child must be so much worse.

"Why?" Sam asked, slightly annoyed and had a headache from the constant slurred stories the brunet had been chewing his ear off with.

"I don't eat to be alone."

A heavy sigh left the blondes lips, Sam visibly deflating under the gaze on his friends adorable puppy eyes. Without a word, he jumped under the covers next to him.

A small shock went through him when the drunk end like younger began clinging to him like a koala, but not in a bad way. Just a bit more of a shock.

"Hey Sam." Colby whispered, eyes drooping now and voice more slurred because of the sleep about to overtake him.


"I love you..."


"... I... uh I love you too, Colbs."

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