Just Want To Thank You

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T/w: idk, doubt? Is that a trigger warning? Mentions of depression, but v subtly so don't worry.

Mostly fluff.

Not so much solby but still kind of cute and Sam and Colby related. I've also had this idea stuck in my head for a while so I decided it'd be a good idea to put it here.


Today wasn't going Colby's way. First he woke up to people shouting downstairs and now he'd lost his car in the mall parking lot and his keys had lost battery so he couldn't follow the beeps.

Worst of all the viewers had found an image of Sam and Colby sleeping together after it was accidentally leaked. Although Sam was completely prepared to be out about their relationship, Colby was paranoid that everyone would hate them.

He just sighed and continued to trudge through the parking lot, the cold night air whipping his hair everywhere.

"God fuckin' dammit." He muttered and continued to trudge on, feeling absolutely miserable. All he wanted to do was get home and cuddle his boyfriend, but the universe seemed to be against him with this.

"E-excuse me?" A weird accent cut off his string of swears and Colby spun around to the source of the voice.

A few meters away was a teen with short blue hair, ripped jeans and a band shirt. Multiple piercings covered their right ear, two on their left and plain black snake bites.

"Uh... hi, can I help you?" He asked cautiously, wondering how on earth the teen wasn't cold. It was pouring rain and the middle of winter, so how weren't they didn't show any sign of freezing to death.

"Sorry, I-I just..." They ran a hand through their fringe nervously. "You're Colby Brock, right?"

Relief flooded through him when he realise this person wasn't there to rob him, and offered them a smile. "Yeah I am."

"Oh thank god, that would have been fucking awkward." They sighed in relief. "I came here on holidays, but I was really hoping I'd run into you or Sam..."

Colby was once again shocked, of all the big YouTubers that were here, why would she be looking for them particularly?

They seemed to read his expression in the flickering car park lights and smiled, chuckling awkwardly. "I wanted to meet you two because it's the only way I can thank you guys for everything you do."

Colby blinked, becoming more and more confused. "You don't have to thank us, really. You and everyone else that watches our videos are what have gotten us this far, really."

"No, I do. Because your videos have helped me so much." Their eyes looked down and their hands and thy continued to fiddle with their hands. "You guys reminded me that life was worth living when you made all those videos and I just wanted to thank you for being there for me all the time, even though you never realised."

Their voice shook with emotion as they spoke, not looking him in the eyes. Colby on the other hand was in shock, his throat aching as he help back tears. He was unbelievably happy he was able to help someone through what he'd once had to fight alone. But he was also saddened by simply knowing someone else had to fight it, what he went through was horrible and it made his heart ache for anyone who had to go through it. Now seeing this teen in front of him, telling him this had left him speechless.

Their face reddened after a few seconds of silence. "Sorry, I'm rambling. I'll leave, sorry for interrupting your evenin-"

Not knowing what else to say, Colby said the first thing that came to him mind. "Can I hug you?"

They looked up in shock and quickly nodded their head, tears of relief filling their green eyes as they moved forward quickly and wrapped their arms around the brunette man.

Colby hugged back tightly, like if he hugged the teen long enough all evidence of their inner demons would fade away. However, after a couple of seconds he had to interrupt the silence. "Sorry, I, uh, never got your name?"

"Sorry." They laughed awkwardly into his shoulder. "I'm Sam, kinda weird that one of my favourite youtubers has the same name."

They stood hugging for a few more seconds before Colby hesitantly pulled away, not wanting to but knowing that the two of them needed to leave before they both froze.

Quickly Colby wiped his eyes from unspilled tears. "Thank you."

The blue haired teen looked at him in confusion. "For what? I'm the one that's supposed to be thanking you."

"No, I mean it." Colby avoided her gaze, heart rate spiking with anxiety. "I've been really stupid and you've helped me realise that."

The teen continued to look confused, a small frown on her face. "What do you mean stupid? D-did I say something wrong or...?"

"No, god no. You've just helped me realise that I can trust all of you guys and should tell you all the truth. I need to stop lying."


Two hours later, Colby arrived home. It was 10pm but he needed to do something important. He'd had a long conversation with (fan) Sam and after that he'd found his car and proceeded to cry. He couldn't explain why he cried if he had to, it just just built up stress and relief to know that he had helped someone and possibly multiple people. But it also hurt to know that other people were hurting like he once had.

The second his boyfriend laid eyes on him, his face morphed into a look of worry. His nothing opening as he hurried towards him but before he could say anything, Colby cut him off.

"I'm ready." He said hastily. When Sam gave him a confused look he explained. "I'm ready to come out to everyone, to show off my amazing boyfriend to the world and let everyone know that you're mine."

Solby One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora