Ch. 24

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If I'll trying to make Kate jealous, I should at least look good right?

I went to my closet and found a black jacket, and striped shirt and light blue jeans. I put on my sunglasses and grabbed my keys.

I normally don't wear other colors besides Black but I'm gonna switch it up today

I ran into my car and texted one of my friends who was a girl.

Her name was Sienna and I told her I was trying to make my ex-girlfriend jealous

She agreed but said she was going to a party next weekend and that she wanted to make her ex-boyfriend jealous too

I agreed and I went to pick her up

When I got there she was looking cute. I know I should be saying that because she's not my girlfriend, but still. I can say that. She was wearing this,

She hopped in the car and we went to the Grove

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She hopped in the car and we went to the Grove

Kates POV

I don't know why I was trying to make Colby jealous when same was going to tell him it was a joke

When Brody and I got there people were looking at us like we were a couple. We were looking good so maybe that's why people thought we were dating

We were walking and talking and laughing, when I saw Colby. I don't think he noticed me but I grabbed Brodys hand. I didn't tell him that I was trying to make Colby jealous but maybe he caught on, or he actually likes me

He lifted our hands and kissed my hand. I smiled and we kept walking.

We kept following Colby and when Brody caught on he swept me off my feet and carried me by Colby and the girl he was with

He carried me all the way to the car and he opened the passenger seat.

I saw i had a text from Sam

Sam: Colby knows it's a prank now. I just texted him and he responded immediately
Kate: Ok. Thanks

Brody opened his door and didn't turn the car on

"Are we going anywhere?" I asked
He looked at me and I made eye contact with him

We got closer and closer to each others face

Earlier when I asked myself if I he liked me, I'm assuming the answer was yes

Our lips were only centimeters apart when he smiled against my lips and I did too.

After that, we didn't move for a few seconds until Brody said
"Fuck it!"and he kissed me

The kiss was getting intense when there was a knock at the window

Brody had tinted windows and it was kinda dark so I couldn't see who it was.

Brody turned on the car and rolled down the windows

"Colby?" I asked
It was raining lightly
"Can I talk to you out here...alone?"
"Yea. Brody don't leave without me" he nodded and rolled up the windows

"Earlier, when I called you a whore, I didn't mean for it to come out like that. I was just so mad and I-" I cut him off
"It's ok. Did Sam at least tell you it was a prank?"
"Yea" he said "So what do you say? We get back together?" He said with a smile

"Um...I'm sorry but Colby ,we've broken up a few times before. Maybe it's best we stay friends"
"Oh... I understand" he looked so sad and I felt really bad.

I went back to the car and asked Brody to give me a ride back home

We were in the parking lot when he asked,
"So, are you two back together" he asked
"No. I said I think we would be better off as friends. We've broken you 2 times now cause we accused each other of cheating"

Neither one of us said anything we got in the apartment

"Well, I wouldnt cheat on you" Brody said
I looked at him.
"Kate. Don't you get it. I like you and I want us to be together"
"Brody, I just broke up with Someone. I don't know if I'm ready to move on" I replied

The truth is, I like Brody too.

"OK. Let me know when you're ready" he went into the living room. I followed him to the couch
I say next to him and said" You know what, Brody do you want to be much boyfriend" he looked and me and said "Does this answer your question" he kissed me

Second kiss in one day. What are the odds.

The kiss was starting to get heated

I pulled away quickly and went quickly to the door
"What are you doin- Wait...good idea"

I went to my room and told him to follow me

He came into my room and I pushed him on the bed

Well I have to tell ya, it was way better than when Colby and I kiss.

This kiss was more, what's the word.... different

Like it's a good different

Krissy POV

Sam and I had went to get some food

When we got home the door was locked

"Colby and Kate probably got back together" I told Sam
"Yea. Just open the door and run to your room"

I laughed and opened the door and nobody was there

I heard laughing coming from Kates room. I didn't sound like Colbys laugh

"That's not Colbys laugh" Sam said
"I know. Who do you think it is then?" I asked
"Wait...didn't Kate go with Brody. What if they're like making out" I said

"Well then I guess we should go to your room or something" Sam said

We went to my room and we decided to watch a movie

It was about 10 when Sam had to go home

We went out to the living room and I saw Kate and Brody kissing

Kate jumped a little and said "when were you ever"

Sam said bye and I went back to my room and I just let Kate and Brody do whatever they were go doing

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