Ch. 2

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I woke up and I saw Colby was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake him so I stood on top of the bed and walked to the foot of the bed. I jumped down from the end of walked to the alarm clock.
It read "9:54". I grabbed my clothes for the day and I took a shower.

After I took my shower I put on my makeup and went downstairs to the kitchen. I saw Aaron and in my head I said "Oh No". When I got to the kitchen he asked

"So..... why was Colby in your bed with you last night?"
"Ummm,I told him to stay"
"Do you like him"
"You sure" his straight face started turning into a smile and so did mine
"Yes I'm sure"
"Are you positive"
"Yes God Danmit Aaron"
"Ok fine I'll stop"
" Okay thank you"

We started talking about what we were going to do today.

"So Kate what are you doing today"
"Nothing ,that I know of as of right now"
"Ok. I have to film a video so I'll talk to you later"
"K bye Aaron"

I walked upstairs like 10 minutes later and I was going to talk to Sam.
*knock knock*
"Who's there"

He opened the door a few seconds later
"So what are you doing today Sam"
"Nothing just edit and that's boring"
"Do you want to just walk around LA today?"
"Yea sure. What time?"
"I don't know like 12 maybe"
"Sure just let me take a shower and get changed"

I left and went to my room. I walked in a saw Colby was still sleeping and it was already 11. I kneeled down right next to him and whispered
"Colby, baby you need to wake up"

"I'm awake now that you called me baby"
"I know that was the point"
"Then I'm going back to bed"
"No your not"
"Fine. What are you doing today"
"Well I'm going with Sam to walk around LA today"
"That's cool. I have to go film a video with my friend Brennen. Tomorrow if you want you can come with me and meet him"
"Ok. I'll go tomorrow"
"Ok. I'll leave now"

As soon as he left I made my bed. I grabbed my phone and just started scrolling through instagram. I saw some people made edits of me so I watched some. They were all great.

I checked the time and it read "11:50" I grabbed everything I was going to need at I walked out of my room. I saw Sam's door was open

"Hey Sam, ready to go"
"Yea. I'm putting on my shoes"

We walked out to his car and we drove to get lunch first.
"Where do you want to go"
"Doesn't matter. Anywhere"

We talked about our lives and what we did as kids until we got to the place. We stopped at In-N-Out.
"I've never been here but it looks good"
"Trust me. It's good."
We ordered our food and ate outside

"So. Do you like Colby" He said with a smirk
"No. Why does everyone keep asking that"
He took out his camera, and put it up to my face and said
"Are you sure"
"Yes. I'm sure"
"Ok" and he put his vlog camera away.

We kept eating out food and talking.

When we were done we went to his car. I got in and I called Aaron
"Hey Aaron,I just wanted to tell you that I'm with Sam and today we're going to be walking around LA"
"Ok. As long as your safe"
"Ok bye"

When we got to Hollywood Blvd. he parked his car somewhere. We started walking and I pulled out my camera
"Hey guys so, I now live in LA. I will be posting vlogs now along with sit down videos, and challenge videos. The schedule will be posted soon but just keep watching and you'll find out what SAM GOLBACH and I are doing today!"

I turned my camera off while Sam and talked. I would turn my camera back on while we walked and talked

The sun started to set and Sam and I started driving back home.

When we got to the door. We we just laughing and he opened the door.

He opened the door and I saw Aaron, Corey, Devyn and Colby on the floor.

I gasped
"Sam call 911!"
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a person in all black with a bat
"Sam take care of them I'll be right back." I stood up and ran to the corner. I chased him outside. I grabbed the bat from his hand and was about to hit him when the door opened and I heard everyone saying" Welcome to the prank war"

"You're in the prank war" Colby said
"You guys are going to regret that. Who is this anyways"
"This is Brennen. You would've met him tomorrow but we were hoping Elton would be back first." Colby said
"Oh sorry Brennen."
"It's ok but it's nice to meet you"
"You too"

Sam, Colby, Brennen, Devyn, and Corey where looking at the pool. I ran up to Sam and pushed him in. Colby looked at me and I was about to push him in when he grabbed my arm and pulled me in with him.

We fell to the bottom of the pool and he swam up to the surface. I caught up with him" What the hell was that for" I asked. "Tell you later" He said with a smirk.

We all dried off and went inside. Sam's girlfriend Katrina came over but she told us to call her Kat. The guys were in the living room playing games and all the girls were in my room.
"Ok but seriously do you like Colby" Kat asked
"Ooooooooo can we tell him?"
"No Devyn he probably doesn't feel the same way"
"Fine. We won't tell him"

All of a sudden there was a knock at my door.
"IT'S COLBY!" Kat and Devyn yelled.
"Yea sure"
I opened the door and Kat and Devyn were right.
"I guess Kat and Devyn were right-" Colby said" Um can i talk to you outside?"
"Yea" I said "Devyn and Kat, stay here I'll be right back"
They nodded and I followed Colby outside.
"Where are you guys going" Aaron asked as we were going outside.
"Aaron I'm going outside with Colby to uh admire the view"
"Um ok I guess"

"What did you want to talk about?"
"Um this-"

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