Ch. 9

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Over the past few days I mostly spent the day packing and editing.

It was now Tuesday and Krissy was coming to town today.

I said goodbye to everyone, put my stuff on my car and left.

I went to my new apartment and dropped off NY stuff

I left for the airport.

When I got there it was about 1:45 pm
I decided to call Krissy.

"Hey. I'm about to land in like 5 minutes"
"Ok. I'll wait for you at the entrance"

I got out of my car and went to the entrance of the airport.

I took out my camera and started vlogging. As soon as I saw Krissy I ran up to her and hugged her.

"You don't know how happy I am right now!"
"I'm way more happier than you!"
"Whatever you say. Anyways I have the apartment let's go!"
She nodded and we left for the apartment

She hadn't seen the place so I vlogged it.

I opened the door and he mouth dropped

"It's real"
"Yes it is"

She just looked around when I got a call from Jasmine

"Hey so I can't go to LA"
"Oh ok"
"I'm sorry. Bye"

"Whats wrong" Krissy asked
"Jasmine can't come to LA"
"Oh. Well I actually never liked her"
"Me neither"

We broke out laughing and we started unpacking

Around 5:45 we got hungry and went to tendergreens.
Luckily it was only a block away.

I grabbed my phone, my keys and my purse.

Krissy and I were starving so we rushed to get to tendergreens.

We walked in and I saw Brennen and Colby.
"Of course we would see you too here!" I said
"What did you think I meant by 'hey I'm going out tonight with bae'?" Colby said
"Well assumed it was me. Oh, Krissy this is my friends Colby and Brennen!" I said
"It's nice to meet you guys" Krissy said

We waited in line and laughing.

We ordered our food and Colby was ignoring me

Still nothing
Still nothing

He poked Brennen and pointed to his phone. I looked at Krissy and we both raised our eyebrows

"He said he's not talking to you until you introduce him as more than your friend" Brennen said
Krissy's eyes widened
"Wait! You and Max broke up!? When!?" She asked
"Yes we broke up last week"
"OK. Krissy this is my BOYFRIEND Colby and his friend Brennen. There happy?!" I yelled at Colby


We finished eating our food at went to my apartment. We all went to the living room and just starting vlogging each other.

We were all talking about calling scary numbers, when there was a knock at the door.

"Woah!" We all said

I slowly got up from the couch and walked to the door. Everybody was watching me

I opened the door slowly and a plastic ball was thrown at me
"Hey Sam and Kat!" I said
"Hey! So I need a video for tomorrow. Do you guys want to film hide and seek in target?"

I looked over at everybody and they were all nodding

"Yea. We'd love to play"
"Cool. We'll meet you guys at the nearest target."
"Ok. See ya!"

We all grabbed our stuff and went to my car.

When we got to target we saw Sam and Kat waiting for us. We walked up to them and Sam explained the rules.

We all stuck together. Well most of us. Colby and I did but everyone else split their own ways. Colby and I just walked around instead of trying to hide.

We ended up going in the Isle Sam is very uncomfortable going in.


I didn't need anything so we just hid near some boxes of you know what.

We poked our heads out occasionally to see if Sam was nearby.

After like 25 minutes of just hiding , Sam texted us and said "Come on out. We're all at the front of the store "

Colby and I walked all the way you the front and Sam asked
"Where were you guys?"
"The feminine products" I said
"Colby! You know how uncomfortable I get in that isle"
"Yea which is why we hid there"

We wrapped up the video and we went home. Brennen went home, Sam dropped of Katrina and then went home and Krissy ,Colby and I went to my place.

Krissy went to her room and Colby and I went to mine.

Right before we went to sleep Krissy knocked.

"Hey can I come in?"
Colby was already under the covers.
Krissy opened the door and said
"Ok! I am aware you and Colby are dating. Just if you're going to loose your virginity to him please don't do it here"
Colby pretended like he didn't hear anything.
I nodded and she went to her room

"So you didn't loose your virginity to Maxwell Geason?" He whispered in my ear in a sexual way
"You know the answer to that so don't play dumb"
"He let a good one go but I'm kinda happy he did cause I wouldn't be here talking to you in bed" he smirked

"Eww! Colby shut up or I'll kick you out and make you sleep on the couch!"
"Fine" and we went to sleep

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