Ch 3.

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" What did you want to talk about"
Um this-" He crashed his lips onto mine. I kissed back until I realized this was wrong . I pulled away.

"Whats wrong?"
"Ummm Colby...... I have a boyfriend"
"Oh" He said with a sad voice
"I'm sorry Colby"

I ran inside to Devyn and Kat. They were looking through my window when I went to my room.
"Kate! What happened?" Asked Devyn
"I have a boyfriend but I like Colby" I said and I burst out crying. They hugged me while I cried


I was left outside. I just stood there. There's nothing I can do now. The only thing to do is to try to get over her. Ugh! That's going to be hard. I checked the time. I walked inside and told Sam I was going to a friends house.

When I got to my friends house one of his roommates opened the door.
"Hey Colby! Are you here to see Bobby?"
"Hey Kian and yea. Is he home?"
"Yea. Come on in" I walked in and saw their house. It was very modern.
5 minutes later Bobby came down.

"Hey Colby. Why did you come her at 11:00?"
"Hey. Well actually I need help"
"Ok so Aaron's younger sister moved to LA and tonight I kissed her. She pulled away like 5 seconds in and said she had a boyfriend"
"Oof. That sucks. Well I think the only thing you can do is try to get over her"
"She lives in the same house as me though!"
"O. Well can't you just move out until she finds her own place?"
"Yea but with who"
"What about Brennen? You guys are good friends right?"
"Oh you're right. Thanks!"
"You're welcome, oh and Colby?
"Next time text or call me if you're coming over"
"I will. Bye!" After that I called Brennen.

"Brennen are you at home?"
"Yea. What's up"
"So I went to Bobby's house and he said I should move in with you to get over Kate until she gets a place of her own"
"Colby, that's a big step, especially for our relationship. What will people think? They'll think we're dating!"
"No they won't!"
"Fine! Get your stuff and come over when you're able to. You're lucky I love you as a friend"
"Ok. Night!" And I hung up.

I drove back to the house and ran to my room. I grabbed my suitcases that were in the closet. I packed all my stuff and went to sleep


I couldn't sleep now matter how much I tried. Aaron doesn't even know I have a boyfriend. Even though it was 1 am, it was 3 pm in Japan and that's where my boyfriend was. I FaceTimed him. We talked for like and hour until he said he would be flying to LA in a few hours. We hung up and I went to bed. Nobody except Devyn, Kat and Colby knew I had a boyfriend. Well I guess everyone is going to meet him.

When I woke up I saw I had 1 text from everyone in the house except Colby. They all said

Devyn: Did you know Colby is moving in with Brennen?

Kat: Why is Colby moving in with Brennen?

Corey: What happened between you and Colby last night? He's moving in with Brennen

Aaron: What did I miss last night? Why is Colby moving I with Brennen

Sam: Well I'm assuming something happened between you and Colby last night. Looks like Brolby is official

I didn't answer any. I looked out the window. Everyone's car was still there. I quickly showered and changed. After I showered and changed I went downstairs. Everyone was saying goodbye to Colby. I felt bad for what I did last night. I walked over to him and hugged him and he hugged back.
"I'll miss you" I said
"Me too"
After we hugged he left.
We all watched as Colby pulled out of the driveway.

"Kate what happened last night between you and Colby last night" Everyone asked
"Well um..... last night he uh.... kissed me and Aaron don't be mad. It only took 5 seconds for me to pull away. Once again Aaron don't be mad but I told him I had a boyfriend. And he's coming to LA. Don't worry he has an apartment over here so he won't have to sleep in anyone's room"
"Oh" Everyone said.
I walked to my room and picked up my phone. I called Colby.

more than friends? [c.b]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora