13th performance

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Day 6 (Part 2/2)

They all sat on the blue donut-couch in Suga's room, because the rain was not over, yet. V and J-Hope sat next to each other, opposite from Namjoon. Next to Hope and therefor on his left sat the smoking magician, on his right was Jin, who stuffed his mouth with food and made strange groaning sounds, and between V and Jin sat Kookie, who shoved his food from one side of the plate to the other. Namjoon was sorry that he had ruined the boy's appetite.

"Where's Jimin?" J-Hope asked and looked into the round while chewing on the Deoboki.

The door clicked, and everyone turned around. Namjoon's eyes went wide at the sight of the man who entered the room. He was small but stunningly muscular. The strong thighs were hugged by skin tight black leather leggings that promoted his prominent V-line and underlined the Kanjis that were inked into the skin of his toned stomach. His upper body was only covered with a transparent silken bathrobe that shimmered in red and orange and reached down to his ankles. He had not closed the belt, so his chest was on display and the cloth wavered behind him like a cloak. The bright orange hair curled softly and complimented his slightly tanned skin. But what confused Namjoon most was the contrast between the hard body and the soft face with the plump lips, small nose and almost chubby cheeks.

"There he is," Suga rasped unimpressed. He had not even turned his head. The magician had been uncommonly silent and lost-in-thought this evening.

But Namjoon's eyes were glued to the unknown man, and he was impressed by the easiness the other jumped over the backrest of the donut-couch and came to sit between Kookie and Jin. The moment he leaned over to pull the raven's plate to him, Namjoon let out a soft 'oh my god' at the sight he had in front of him. A giant burning scar covered the orange-haired man's back and left shoulder up to his chin and even his cheek. His stomach clenched at the sight.

All eyes suddenly were on him because of his strong reaction.

"Who's he?" the guy named Jimin asked, scanning Namjoon through the pink smoke that surrounded them. Amazed, the intern noticed that the small man's eyes had a red-brown color he had never seen before. What was it with those artist and eye colors?

When Suga would not answer, J-Hope took over the part of introducing, "This is our intern Namjoon. Namjoon this is Jimin, our fire dancer."

"Ah, the rich boy everyone is talking about," Jimin said and his eyebrows went up in realization. "Nice to finally meet you, hyung." A wide smile covered the orange-head's face and formed his eyes into crescents and he bowed softly.

Namjoon mirrored the gesture and was relieved that Jimin seemed to be as open-hearted as J-Hope. After the introduction, the chatting started again, and the artist spoke about their day and other trivial things. Namjoon just sat there and watched them talk. His special focus was on Jimin and Jungkook, because he had noticed how the youngest looked at the orange-haired. Though the obvious distortion, that send a shiver down Namjoon's back every time he looked at it, the raven's look could only be described as loving. His eyes were practically glued to the scarred man's face and a fascinated expression covered his boyish features. Whenever orange-head would look at Jungkook, a sweet bunny-smile would crunch the raven's nose and wrinkle the corner of his eyes. It was an endearing picture of unconditional love.

The white hand with the checkroom numbers between the fingers distracted him from his observation. With a sigh he took one. 1010.

"Is there a reason behind the numbers?" he asked the magician.

"I don't know," the other answered and shrugged his shoulders.

When everyone was done with eating and only Suga, Jin and him were left, Namjoon decided to head home. He excused himself to get changed and left for a shower. The tightrope act had seriously stressed him. While he let the warm water wash over his shoulders he thought about Jungkook and how different he had been when Jimin had appeared. The raven had changed from arrogant and pissed to sheepishly and loving, even shy. Just like V had changed with the presence of Hoseok. It almost was terrifying. Was there someone who could change him like this, too? And would he want that? Could it be... no.

He stepped out of the shower and toweled himself dry to slip into his normal clothes. He had bought a plain black t-shirt this morning and wore ripped jeans. His style had changed quite much to match into the circus realm, and he had to admit that it was comfortable to wear a t-shirt instead of a button-down.

When he was back in his room, he decided to leave his shoes there, because otherwise they would be ruined by the rain. He already had lost his Guccis to the lions, but his Vuittons would not be sacrificed. He just rolled up the legs of his jeans and grabbed the umbrella he had brought with him. His backpack with books would also have to stay here until tomorrow.

Determined, he went to the exit and stepped outside under the canopy. It no longer was only rain, it was a storm. He watched the pouring rain speculatively while trying to decide if it was a good idea to go home or not.

Suddenly a tall figure approached the entrance with lifted arms to guard himself from the whipping drops. When the person finally stepped under the canopy, Namjoon looked confused. In front of him stood the pink-haired, drenched to the bone and with wide eyes and quivering lips.

"You're still here?" the beauty asked startled.

"Yeah," Namjoon just answered and took in the unexpected picture in front of him.

"I thought you already went out and wanted to bring you back, because it's much too dangerous to go home now," Jin explained to him and gestured into the storm behind him.

The elder's caring act made him smile, and the pink-haired mirrored his expression, looking at him with big warm eyes. The pink strands were plastered to the latter's forehead and raindrops ran down his face. The much too long sleeves of the oversized pink hoody hung on his sides, drenched and dripping.

Why was his heart beating so fast? And why did he think of yesterday's happening in the artist's room?

And why did he feel like this was the most beautiful picture he had ever seen?

For several second Namjoon just stared at the artist.

"We should go inside," the pink-haired said softly and took his hand to guide them back to Suga's room. Namjoon's skin prickled where Jin's cold fingers touched him.

After the beauty had excused himself to change into dry clothes, Namjoon had sat down on the donut-couch again, opposite from the magician, who was surrounded by pink smoke, like always. The only thing that was different was that the older had taken off his jacket and sat in front of him with just the black t-shirt. He looked completely different like that. It was astounding how clothes changed the impression of a person.

"Up for a game of chess?" the blue-haired asked and baby-blue and white chess figures appeared on the field.



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