7th performance

617 77 14

Day 3 (Part 1/2)

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Day 3 (Part 1/2)

Namjoon's shoulders still hurt when he reached the circus tent and stepped in front of the magician. This morning, he had almost given in to the longing of just staying in bed and skipping university, but he knew his father would be disappointed if he did. And so, he had crawled out with hurting shoulders and back and had endured eight hours of class.

Only to go through the same hell as yesterday.

He did not know what had made him come back, but here he was, waiting for the magician to finish his cigarette. The other did not greet him nor say any other word. They just stood in front of the entrance and pink smoke surrounded them.

"Why is the smoke pink?" Namjoon finally broke the silence. He had wanted to ask this since the beginning, but there had been too many distractions yesterday, so he had always forgotten to do so.

The blue-haired snorted softly before he answered, "Let's just say, it changes its color from time to time, and one day I'll explain it to you."

Namjoon groaned. One day. He had already heard that once. What was this secrecy for? There must be a simple chemical reason for the color and scent, nothing to make a big deal of.

"And to be honest: I don't know why it's pink. It should be blue, but here we go with anomalies," the magician continued and just confused Namjoon more. Why should it be blue? Why should cigarette smoke have any color? Damn it, he would just wait until he would get an explanation. Since he had met the blue-haired it felt like his head was close to exploding from questions and confusion.

He followed the smaller inside and to his room.

"I washed your costume," the older said, "But next time: Please don't leave it on the bathroom floor. We don't have housemaids." And he vanished into his own room.

Slightly embarrassed Namjoon entered his room and slipped into the yellow bear costume. Again, he had been shown that he did not really fit in here. His world was much too different from the circus to adjust easily.

When he opened his door to leave, he found himself nose to nose with the golden-eyed lion-boy. With a curse he jumped back.

"Damn it, man! What's wrong with you?" he shouted and tried to calm down again.

"Follow me," the other just said and walked out of his sight. At least he had left his lion somewhere else, hopefully in the cage. Like a punished child, Namjoon followed the younger and prayed that he would not have to shovel poop. No matter he understood now, he would prefer to not do it again.

When they arrived at the container, he sighed relieved. It looked like the shoveling-part was already done. No wonder. After all, he had come much later than yesterday because of his classes. V grabbed a big box that looked like one of those Namjoon's parents had brought when they had had a picnic at the beach back in the days of childhood. The younger opened it and revealed big raw pieces of flesh.

"Don't tell me we're feeding the beasts?" he said to the artist.

"Don't call them beasts," the deep voice growled. And like the animals felt the grudge of their master they started growling, too. Scared did not even begin to cover it. Namjoon was terrified of the sound that echoed from the metal walls.

"I'm sorry," he breathed out and hugged himself. Once again, he was grateful for the silly onesie, because it made him feel like he was protected inside of it. He wished he had brought the gloves and shoes this time, maybe even the head. It would have made him feel way more comfortable.

"Give me a hand for a sec," lion-boy demanded and handed him one of the big pieces of flesh. "Just throw it through the bars."

Just throw it through the bars? Was he crazy? Well, obviously, but how the heck was he supposed to stick it through the bars if all the giant cats were looking at him like he was the prey and walked up and down behind their barred walls. Cautiously, he came closer to Pachet's cage and tried to find the optimal way of getting the food inside. He could already feel the sweat on his forehead and back. This shit was so fucked up.

After thinking for some seconds, he went to the very end of the cage and waited until Pachet was at the other, and with a quick move he snapped forward and pushed the flesh into the cage where it landed with a thud. Instantly, the lion lady came over and clawed the piece to carry it further to the back. Well, it was not as terrifying as he had thought. There had not been a growl and sharp teeth, and even now the lion just licked over the flesh, rasping off layer after layer.

"What are you waiting for? Kali's hungry, too," V interrupted his staring.

So, he turned to the bucket and got out the last piece to feed it to the tiger. Like before, he waited for the right moment and then threw it inside the cage. Kali was a little more brutal with her piece, and Namjoon seemed to get an idea why she got her name. But he did not understand why the cats had been named with such dark names when V did not even allow him to call them beasts. Why would you name them like the gods of destruction and the underworld, if you like them like they were your puppies? If he would not be so scared of the boy, he would have asked, but every time he looked into the reflecting eyes, a shiver ran down his spine.

"You seemed less scared than I expected you to be," the younger stated when they walked back to the tent. His expression was cheeky, and Namjoon got the feeling that he like to scare the shit out of him.

"Yeah, I would have expected them to be a little wilder when they get their food," he responded. "And I was glad to not shovel poop again."

"Was it that bad yesterday?" the artist asked.

"Yes, it was awful," he admitted and crunched his nose. "Even now it's not the best air inside there," he stated and pointed over his shoulder towards the container. "They're a little stinky."

"Did you just say my friends stink?" he heard a deep growl and cursed himself for being so mindless. The mood between them changed in the blink of an eye from bearable, almost friendly, to ice cold. He should have just answered the question, nothing more, but his mouth had been faster than his mind.

"No, I mean- yeah, kind of, but like all animals reek. It's just a little worse because their breath isn't the best, too, and..." his voice slowly faded when he saw the expression on the younger's face. Shit.

The next moment, he felt himself being pushed to the ground and a raging V sat on his stomach, one hand holding his head in place by his hair and the other raised to punch him every moment. Damn, he was strong! He would not even be shocked if he felt claws instead of hands. Waiting for the punch, he closed his eyes.


Circus - NamjinΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα