9th performance

694 82 40

Day 4

Namjoon stared at the new costume in disbelieve. How was he supposed to work in something like that?

"You don't like it?" the magician asked, "I think it's one hell of an improvement."

Namjoon looked back to the costume in his arms. It was a traditional Hanbok. Blue with white wide sleeves and trousers, and a black headdress with golden patterns.

"Do you know how to put this on?" he asked the blue-haired.

"Nope, no idea. Let's ask Jin," the older replied and went through the backdoor, Namjoon following behind.

The magician still wore the jacket with the ripped off sleeve, but at least the scratch marks had disappeared over night. The smaller raised his bare arm to knock on the door with the pink writing Jin. Delighted, Namjoon realized that it was next to his room.

When Jin opened the door, Namjoon was slightly taken aback. The beauty wore a big, colorful onesie that must be a clown costume and his feet were tugged into hilariously giant red shoes. But what startled him the most was the makeup: red lips on white, and black plus signs on the eyes. The pink hair was sweaty and tousled.

"Oh hey," Jin greeted them.

"Do you know how to put on a Hanbok?" Suga asked without greeting back.

"Ahm, yeah, why?"

"Because Namjoon has to wear one," the magician explained.

"Okay..." Jin stretched the word making it sound like a question, but then he gestured them inside.

Again, Namjoon was surprised. The walls were striped pink, the floor was a pink carpet and the bed on the left wall, again, was a white poster bed (What was it with those circus guys and poster beds?) with pink silken curtains and snow-white bedlinen. On the right wall was a giant, white dressing table that looked like it came out of a burlesque movie, and on the wall opposite the door was a white double door closet. This looked like a damn girl room, not like a room of a grown-up, broad-shouldered man!

"I like pink," Jin said and smiled brightly.

"Never would have guessed," Namjoon murmured in response and let his eyes wander over the dressing table with all its makeup and supplies.

"Give me some time to change into something more comfy, please," the beauty asked while he wiped off the paint from his face with a cotton ball.

When the older was done he opened the right door of the closet and stepped into it, closing the door behind him. Confused Namjoon stared at the spot he had vanished.

"Don't worry," Suga rasped, "He knows his way back from Narnia."

Namjoon chuckled but still could not take his eyes off the closet. While Suga let himself fall on the bed, he stared at the doors and waited for Jin to come back out. Ten minutes passed until the pink mob of hair appeared again and the beauty stepped out of the closet (a/n: lol ambiguous). Now he wore a long, pink, oversized hoody and black jeans.

"How..." Namjoon wanted to ask, but got interrupted by the pink-haired.

"Let's start. Hobi is waiting for you." With that he came over and took the costume out of Namjoon's arms. "Take off your clothes."

A little nervous, Namjoon started unbuttoning his shirt and stripping down his jeans (Yes, he had decided to wear jeans to fit into the place a little better.) to get ready for the Hanbok. Jin came towards him with the puffy white trousers and made him put them on. After he fixed the cloth with the attached ribbon around his waist, he crotched down to tie up the legs around the ankles. Attentively, Namjoon watched every move of the pink-haired.

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