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The next day, Amelia woke up in her own bed, in new clothes, and the sunlight peaking through her curtains. A pounding headache erupted in her brain, making her groan.

She pulled herself up, one eye closed as she rubbed her head and stretched her arms out.

Amelia had went on with her day; school, and back home. She sat cross-legged on her bed, finishing up her homework.

Night had fallen, and Amelia was sitting on the couch in their living room. Her hand stayed grasped onto the remote, searching through Netflix.

Her mother, Natalie, sat next to her. "Hey, sweetie."

Amelia looked at her with a smile, "Hi, Mom."

"How was your day?" She questioned her daughter.

"It was okay. It was normal, as usual." Amelia shrugged, letting out a small huff, realizing she didn't know what to watch.

"Yeah, so was mine," Natalie said. "So, uh– Mia," Natalie started.

Amelia looked over at her wearily, waiting for her to continue. "I want you to be completely honest with me."

Amelia's brows furrowed, her face filling with worry.

"About what?" Amelia questioned her Mom.

"What's really been going on with your friends, including your sister." Natalie said. "The truth, Amelia."

Natalie had never called Amelia by her full name unless she was in trouble and was cornering her, like what she is doing right now.

Amelia froze, her jaw clenching, keeping her from going on and on about the supernatural in Beacon Hills.

"Amelia," Natalie said.

The girl sighed, opening her mouth to speak but her phone had begun ringing.

Saved by the bell, Amelia thought.

Amelia looked over at the end table by their couch, a picture of her and Scott lit up the screen. She sighed, picking it up and pressing the green button.

"Hey, what's up?" She let out a breath before excusing herself from her Mom and walking up to her room.

"Uh– What are you doing right now?" Scott asked right away.

Amelia stopped in her tracks, sighing, "You saved me from telling my Mom everything."

"Oh– Good, good. But um– Stilinski is bringing Stiles to Eichen House." Scott let out quickly.

Amelia started to get ready quickly, putting her phone on speaker and setting it on her dresser.

"What? Right now, like right right now?" Amelia asked as she pulled on a pair of pants and throwing her pajama bottoms to the corner of her room, then went to find another shirt.

"Yeah, so get ready, I'll be at your house in ten," Scott instructed.

"Already on it." Amelia said as she pulled the pajama shirt off her body and pulled on a long-sleeved maroon shirt.

She walked into the bathroom that was connected to her room, hanging up on Scott as she did so and slid her phone into her back pocket.

Amelia pulled on a thin jacket, then laced up her converse shoe laces.

Scott pulled up into the Martin residence, taking his helmet off to get the extra one out of the seat he was sitting on.

Amelia peaked through her curtains that covered the moon's light from seeping into her room. She saw Scott parked outside, then she started running down the stairs.

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