60| Movie Date and Kiss

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Raabia felt her stomach tingle and her cheek burn Saad informed her about their seat. He said that was the seat he could manage in the otherwise full hall. She followed him to the extreme corner of the Hall. She sat next to wall and Saad sat beside her. Raabia felt her heart beat increase as the lights of the hall dimmed.

Relax, Raabia we are just at a movie hall, no biggie – She mentally told herself

Saad shifted little and his arm brushed against hers. Raabia inhaled sharply quickly moving her hand, Saad didn't notice.

Soon, the movie began.

As expected the movie bored them but they didn't want to disappoint the other and so kept watching the movie with uttermost concentration. At least, Saad did. Raabia was very conscious. She would panic even with Saad's slightest movement. Why? She didn't know.

To make the situation more awkward, the couple in front of them became behaving extra clingy. Raabia's eyes widened on seeing them. She looked at Saad and he looked at her too.

Awkward stare; both looked away quickly.

Raabia sunk into her seat as a steamy romantic scene came up. It seemed to be going on for forever. She prayed they stopped. Just then she felt Saad's palm on hers and her breath got caught in her throat. She looked at him, he was watching her. She forced a smile and tried slipping her palm from his grip, but he held it tighter. Raabia inhaled sharply again.

She watched him caress the back of her palm and when she looked up she found him looking at the screen. From the sound, it was clear the lovemaking scene was still on.

Saad looked at her and she looked away shyly. He observed her in the dim light and smiled clenching her palm tighter. Raabia's eyes widened.


After the movie, Saad teased her till she fumed in anger.

'Seriously, (chuckles) you haven't ever watched a lovemaking scene?' Saad teased her as she entered the apartment.

'Of course not, I don't see such stuff.' Raabia retorted tossing her keys on the ashtray. Saad raised his eyebrows.

'Such stuff? What do you mean by that?' – He made a face and continued, - 'Lovemaking is a normal act. Why are you getting so offended?'- He continued to speak walking towards the sofa, - 'And By the way, that was nothing, haven't you watched A rated stuff?' Saad asked sitting on the sofa.

Raabia looked at him sharply. She hadn't, but of course, she can't say that to him.

'Yes. I have.' She replied confidently and sat beside him. Saad watched her suspiciously but Raabia masked her lie like a pro.

He shifted facing her and she stiffened. He inched closer and Raabia felt her heart flutter.

'Then,'- he sounded seductive as he went on, - 'You must be knowing how to kiss.' His arm brushed against hers and she felt instant goosebumps erupt on her skin.

She gulped. 'Yes.'

Saad smirked sensing her discomfort. He caught her lie.

'So,' – He held her cheek and she closed her eyes, - 'Shall we kiss?'

Raabia's eyes sprung open, - 'Kiss.' She looked at him aghast.

'Yup.' Saad eyed her lips briefly before looking up into her eyes.

Raabia looked like a deer caught in front of the headlights. She swallowed the tight lump in her throat.

'O-o-okay.' She replied closing her eyes and pouting. Saad looked at her cute pout and burst out laughing. Raabia frowned and opened her eyes.

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