39| Need A Lift?

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Saad cursed as he stumbled back trying to wear his trousers. He quickly combed his hair with his fingers and flung the sling of his laptop bag around his neck and left the room.

'**** I am late now that ****** will rip me apart.' He mumbled to himself as he hurried towards the main door.

'Not when I can help.' Hearing a female's voice Saad paused at the door with fingers hovering over the doorknob. He turned his head and found Raabia sitting at the table. Saad noted she is dressed for work in a blue and red checked shirt with the sleeves folded till her elbows and black denim.

Such a tomboy- Saad thought

'Shall I drop you to work?' She asked and took a bite of an apple. Saad thought for a second and nodded. Getting a public transport will waste his time.

Raabia smiled and stood up, she picked up another apple and tossed it at Saad. He was taken aback but managed to catch it, perfectly.

She smiled at him and he hesitantly smiled. Saad wondered what has happened to Raabia to be so kind to him; she has never suggested to drop him to work.

Raabia quickly had her apple and tossed it in the dustbin, she then adjusted her ponytail and placed it on her shoulder.

Saad watched her tie shoelace of her white sneakers. She pulled up her sleeve properly, pushed back her glasses with her index finger and placed the sling of her laptop bag on her shoulder.

She turned to Saad and he quickly looked away.

'Let's go.' She said and he nodded.


'Is this for last night?' Saad enquired as Raabia drove to his office. Raabia frowned and turned to look at him.

'I don't do favors.' She replied sternly and looked back at the road. Saad smiled shifting little into his seat, - 'Fair enough.' He adjusted his seat belt.

'And thanks for the lift.' He added tilting his head and looking at her. Raabia looked up at him through the rear-view mirror and then turned her head to look at the passenger seat where he sat.

She smiled. 'And thank you for last night.'

Saad leaned forward, his smile made Raabia suspicious.

'You know, you aren't that bad. We can be friends.' He suggested brightly. Raabia raised her eyebrow at him. He shrugged at her. She shook her head and looked ahead at the road. She felt him slump against the seat and she smiled to herself.

Raabia recollected last night and felt grateful to him. He had been extremely patient with her as she cried. He tried to make her feel better by joking and making the ambiance lighter. He had also not protested when she insisted he sleeps beside her. She had clung to him tightly as she slept.

As a child, she used to cling to her father whenever she had a bad dream regarding her mother. In her father's embrace, she had a peaceful sleep. Raabia experienced the same level of serenity when she slept in Saad's arms. She trusted him and wasn't mistaken, he had left the room when she had fallen into deep sleep. As he left he had made sure her sleep isn't disturbed.

Raabia loved the way he took care of her, it was completely unexpected of him. Now, she is fully convinced that Saad is a good man.


Raabia stopped the car in front of his office's building, she looked through the window at the tall building. Saad pointed at the tenth floor saying that is where he works. He also suggested Raabia come meet his colleagues but she refused.

Saad made a puppy dog eyes and insisted. Raabia felt herself melt and agreed. Little ten minutes will not hurt. She has never been late to work. She has always been meritorious when it was about coming late or taking leaves. But today, when Saad insisted she willingly agreed not caring about her flawless record.

Raabia listened to Saad, amusedly as he gushed how excited he is to introduce her to his colleagues and especially, his ******* boss. Raabia chuckled as he expressed his displeasure with him and how he wished he was allowed one murder.

Saad smiled watching her laugh, he liked it her laughter.

The elevator door opened and Saad led her into his office. He hovered his palm over hers taking the hint Raabia held his hand. When he looked at her she smiled at him. He smiled back.

On the way, they met few of his colleagues, Raabia liked how he introduced her to them. She didn't fail to notice the ringing of pride in his voice. Was he making it up? Her heart wanted to believe otherwise.

'Pretty wife you got there, eh Saad.' One of his colleagues, Alex, commented.

'Yup.' Saad placed his arm around her shoulder. The way he held her made Raabia feel special, she enjoyed the way he flaunted her and at the same time had a tinge of possessiveness when someone complimented her.

Saad opened a glass door and led her into a small cabin. There is a wooden and glass table in the center with few files, a pen stand, and a landline placed neatly over it. There is a black leather revolving chair behind it. And behind the desk is a huge glass window with white blindfolds. Raabia's eye scanned the room and found few business posters stuck on the walls. A wooden round clock facing the table.

Saad opened the blindfolds and suggested she come take a look. 'The view from here is breathtaking.' He said. But Raabia refused as she fears heights. This is why she prefers staying away from windows back in her office on the fifteenth floor. Saad assured her nothing will happen and held her hand comforting her.

Raabia peeped down and felt her heart beat increase looking at the tiny cars and people down on the road.

'Oh.' She exclaimed hiding her face in his chest. Saad chuckled and she slapped his arm still clinging to him.

After a while, Saad separated their frames and teased her. She doesn't admit it but she is a big fatto when it comes to height. Maximum she can peep is from the balcony of her apartment. 


Awww *_* These two are so cute *swoons* What say, guys? Also, what you think, should Saad and Raabia become friends? Is Raabia falling in love with Saad? What about his feelings? What are your thought, guys?

How was the Chapter, guys? I hope you are enjoying it *hides face* 

Thanks so, so, so, much for reading, my Jaan-e-maans *flying kisses* Pretty please don't forget to vote and comment before you leave *muah* *muah*

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